.. a week without makeup, could you do it?


Well-known member
...I have to for my Lasik surgery. Well, it's no "eye makeup" for a week, which is pretty much my respirator in the makeup world. The last time I did a week without makeup was in college, when I was pledging a sorority.

Can you guys do it? Also, any tips on how to survive the week without eye makeup or makeup altogether? Haha. I'm sure there's greater problems in the world, but for now...this is mine.


Well-known member
I have no tips but when my friend had her lasik she took off a whole week because she refused to be seen with no eye makeup on lol. She mainly wears eyeliner and mascara so she said no thanks to be seen without it.


Well-known member
I used to go with no makeup daily. I've only recently gotten into wearing mascara everyday with a bit of e/s and blush. To help you get through it, I would make sure you get plenty of sleep to minimize dark circles and just stay hydrated. Take comfort in the fact that you can sleep in a bit longer cause you don't need to put your makeup on the morning! Good luck


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
I have no tips but when my friend had her lasik she took off a whole week because she refused to be seen with no eye makeup on lol. She mainly wears eyeliner and mascara so she said no thanks to be seen without it.

LOL....that is so classic! I think I could put under eye concealor, but will stay a distance from the eye. My biggest trouble is the base of my eye lid...totally colored. I might wear a darker lip color or something...of emphasize on the face makeup. Bleh... maybe I'll wear sunglasses to work.


Well-known member
I go many days sometimes weeks without makeup....I like me better with makeup...But It doesn't bother me to go without...As long as I can put on some lipgloss I'm good

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I could do it.

Make up isn't a must for me, it's a fun/creativity thing for me. Sometimes I go weeks without anything more than Carmex. Other times I go for weeks with full face, depends on what I'm going through really.


Well-known member
i'm just being real. i probably couldn't do it, which is kind of sad if you think about it. It has nothing to do with confidence... i just love applying makeup. it's fun!
but i guess if it was for medical reasons, i could try.


Well-known member
I never really wear makeup (blasphemy I know) except when I go out or just feel inspired to try out a new look or technique. Needless to say, I have very little inspiration at 7 in the morning so I pretty much never wear makeup to work. Whenever I go out w/ my coworkers they are always surprised at how much more effort I put into my look.

But if you said go out w/o makeup? Hecky no, I would just stay home, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
But if you said go out w/o makeup? Hecky no, I would just stay home, lol.

Now that I 100% agree with....I would never Go Out to a party, club of social event without makeup...EVER! But my co-workers...they have seen me sick, dead tired, made up, hungover, un-made...I don't care about them.


Well-known member
Yeah, I did it for my LASIK. No big deal really because once you realize how much $$ you just invested in your eyeballs, a week with no makeup is NO big deal.


Well-known member
I could go a week without makeup. Depends on what I'm doing I guess. Although makeup is fun to play with


Well-known member
I would at least have to do my eyebrows, or else I would look like a freak. My coworkers have never seen me without eye makeup on, they would probably be shocked!


Well-known member
I could do it easily, I haven't worn makeup since probably Wednesday or Thursday. I go through phases, and right now I'm not usually in the mood to do my makeup in the morning.


Well-known member
i could do it.

i haven't really worn any makeup since last friday, and that was only because i had a function to go to!


Well-known member
I do it all the time.. I rarely ever wear m/u to work.. I only put it on when I'm going out..
As much as I love makeup, lately life stresses have kept me from enjoying it.

I have tons of BNIB stuff sitting and waiting for me to touch!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Yeah, I did it for my LASIK. No big deal really because once you realize how much $$ you just invested in your eyeballs, a week with no makeup is NO big deal.

So true. They said not to wear contacts for a week prior, but I'm going to go without for a month just in case. I'm getting my Lasik right after new year's, so it looks like I'll be a geak with glasses on for New Years =)

But yeah...I couldn't go out or work without makeup. I just can't. If I do,I'll wear sunglasses if I have to. I'll look way too sickly. I could get away with no face makeup, but no eye makeup would be like an episode on the vampire show.

And shimmer...I'm so jealous of you right now for your clear vision.


Well-known member
i hope i can do it. i'm about to have to go two months without it, and then a few months after that i've gotta go without for six months. hopefully by that time, my eyebrows will be nice and full (anastasia, pleeease fix them! haha) and my skin will be cleared up.

can you still curl your lashes after having lasik? that always can give you a nice comfort zone because it kind of creates the illusion of mascara.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i hope i can do it. i'm about to have to go two months without it, and then a few months after that i've gotta go without for six months. hopefully by that time, my eyebrows will be nice and full (anastasia, pleeease fix them! haha) and my skin will be cleared up.

can you still curl your lashes after having lasik? that always can give you a nice comfort zone because it kind of creates the illusion of mascara.

What do you have to do that requires such long misery?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Debbie
What do you have to do that requires such long misery?

job training...no makeup, no hair dye (not even high/lowlights), no nail polish.