aahhh....first ever fotd... and no catchy title


Well-known member
ok so first ever fotd after a loong nasty rainy day (hence the yellowish lighting from my friend's bathroom). i'll save you the whole paragraph of excuses for why something doesnt look good and apologies for my imperfections. this is what came out but im very nervous about my first fotd.

beig-ing shade stick
aquadisiac e/s
wondergrass e/s
bang on blue e/s
carbon e/s (as liner)
and some cheap drug store brand called jane that came in a quad. its a darker green and u cant really see it.

just my new vivacious lipstick from c-shock that i looooove

maybelline dream mousse blush in soft plum
studio fix NW20
studio finish concealer NW20

yeah this shows a lovely zit from my recent breakout thanks to my dance team mac makeup (3 days of sweating, reapplying, sweating, reapplying...ew. lo siento.)

and zit pic numero dos

HAD to throw in a shot of my new rainbow shirt!

and a ditz pic?


Well-known member
No need to be nervous... your so pretty!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your shirt too!!!! Sooo CUTE
Please keep up the FOTDs!!!


Well-known member
your tits look really big in that one photo.
love those two colours on you, doll, especially with that shirt.
post more FOTDs!