Am I taking this to hard?


Well-known member
I upload my FOTD pictures on Flickr & then the pictures that I am going to post in my FOTDS I make "Public" so that anyone can see them & if I really like the MU I'll post it in a MU pool on Flickr too. Well I logged on Flickr today and some one posted this on one of my pictures:

"i thnk you may need to sort your skin out if this is wot it looks like with foundation.:/”

I don’t know if they were being rude or not, but when I read that it made me feel like crap.
Sometimes I take things wrong so I don’t know…

What do you think? Am I taking it to hard?

Thanks for the input.


Well-known member
Public opinion can be cruel. Let people talk all the want, you cannot please everyone and there is always a negative person. Please don't let the rude comment affect you. You can't help how your skin is. We all wished we have perfect skin, but we don't live in a perfect world. If others cannot grab that, let them be. Even top models get rejected frequently.


Well-known member
They are definitely being rude. Some people have nothing better to do with their time than try to bring down other people, it just shows how bad their own self esteem must be if they feel the need to attack others. I would be very upset too, but you must remember how pathetic some people are and try not to let it bother you any longer.

I've seen your fotds, you are very pretty and she is no doubt jealous of you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_supra
Public opinion can be cruel. Let people talk all the want, you cannot please everyone and there is always a negative person. Please don't let the rude comment affect you. You can't help how your skin is. We all wished we have perfect skin, but we don't live in a perfect world. If others cannot grab that, let them be. Even top models get rejected frequently.

Thanks for responding

That person said that like I didn't know that already too... eh, ok I'll try to just forget about it lol

Yeah no one is perfect. Thanks so much!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lissa
They are definitely being rude. Some people have nothing better to do with their time than try to bring down other people, it just shows how bad their own self esteem must be if they feel the need to attack others. I would be very upset too, but you must remember how pathetic some people are and try not to let it bother you any longer.

I've seen your fotds, you are very pretty and she is no doubt jealous of you

Thank you!
I will try my best to forget about what she said


Well-known member
Just chalk it up to a very immature person hun! I'm of the school that still believes that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Well-known member
Thanks girls!
I feel a lot better now :p

I feel the same way about the don't say something if it's not nice. I just need to try to be stronger & not let what people say affect me so much I guess.

Take Care! Have a great weekend!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by greentwig
"i thnk you may need to sort your skin out if this is wot it looks like with foundation.:/”


I know people can be cruel, but why worry about someone that stupid

Before someone posts criticism they should first learn how to speak/write properly.


Well-known member
Unfortunately this is what happens when you put yourself out on the net. I agree that if this person had nothing nice to say they should have said nothing at all. Just be aware that not everyone out there will be so nice.


Well-known member
that person is probably someone that is picked on and uses the internet to make fun of people because they feel bad about themselves. They are being rude for no reason. Don't let it get to you


Well-known member
I'm sorry you had a comment like that. It hurts, I know.

I had *horrible* skin a few years ago and let me tell you, Accutane completely changed my skin for the better.

I hope it does the same for you.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
If your skin is a sensitive topic to you then it doesn't matter who else doesn't think it is. It's all about how you perceive it. Just try not to let anyone that you don't care about ruin your day. It can be hard, but just try to forget about it.


Well-known member
i think what everyone else said is totally spot on. i also think that this individual must be crazy jealous of you because why else waste time and energy trying to bring someone down?? honestly, what did they think they would accomplish by leaving a comment like that? this person is just jealous of how confident and brave you are for posting your peekchas for the world to see. if they think they know how perfect skin should look like, i would like to see a peekcha of themselves so that we all could now what the definition of perfect skin is. don't let it bother you. honestly, i know my reaction would be the same as yours, but it's not worth it. you're gorgeous and honestly, i am envious of the confidence you have to share your gorgeous peekchas. keep your head up!

Girl about town

Well-known member
how unnecessarily nasty!!! peeked on your pics and you look great, unfortunately not everyone has skin like a babies bottom!!including myself!! I looked at this girls profile and she seems like she has a massive ego probably created by running others down xxx


Well-known member
Ugh, when you read stuff like that, all you have to do is think so the hell what, who are you to have any influence over how i feel with your dumb internet opinion! People always have rude, stupid shit to say online - so if it wasn't to you, it would have been to anyone else. So dont give it another second of your attention


Well-known member
hah, internet troll.

just ignore them. they've probably posted the exact same comment on several people's pictures.


Well-known member
Don't listen to them... they are just trying to put somebody down to make themselves feel better. You are beautiful!