An odd sort of request


Well-known member
Hey everyone, I am not sure if this would be 100% the right spot. But I would really like some recommendations on my blog.

I mainly want to know what everyone likes to read on blogs. I just sort of started mine, and I am getting into the swing of it. But I have no clue what people want to hear/read about.

So what are things that you all like on blogs? what would you recommend I talk about?


Well-known member
Do you mean a specifically makeup/beauty geared blog? Or blogs in general?

If it's a makeup blog, I like:

-swatches (well-lit! In focus!)
-product reviews


Well-known member
swatches, fotds, and personal blog bits too


Well-known member
i took some time and read through the first few pages of your blog (maybe 15 of your posts) and i really like your writing style. amusing, easy to read, and definitely helpful. The only feedback i have isn't about content (honestly, i really enjoyed what you had so far), but about your pictures. Maybe it's just me, but for FOTD posts i always like a few photos to look at. A main one of the face, a close up of the eyes, lips-- just so you can really see it all both alone, and as part of the whole.
Other than that i loved your blog and will visit again!


Well-known member
On beauty blogs I like to see anything that has the potential to give me inspiration be it beauty FOTD's/Tutorials, reviews on products that you have tried and tested and like, and fashion too.

Also thinking of a few of my favorite blogs, the authors inject their personality and anecdotes about themselves which makes it that much more fun to read.


Well-known member
thanks for the feed back!

and the picture thing, I am totally working on close ups. I have a pretty decent camera but ugh, my lighting everywhere sucks. So I am trying to work on pinning down the right lighting for close ups.


Well-known member
everyone always asks me what kind of camera i use because they like the quality of shots i take...its just a cheap "coolpix" camera, probably around $110


Well-known member
Definitely swatches of things. I also like FOTD sort of things. But please, make sure you have natural light for at least a couple of the shots, it drives me crazy when I see pictures on blogs that are solely using flash.


Well-known member
I personally like reviews, swatches, and [whatever]-of-the-days. Tutorials aren't things I read regularly, to be honest, but I do check them out from time to time.