Anger issues, ppl getting under your skin


Well-known member
So tonight I went to Dave & Busters for a friend's B-day. This total douchebag who was in front of me in line to count tickets screamed at me because his machine wasn't working and in the meantime I had taken one that was working properly because I thought he had a machine. He was basically like, Maam who do you think you are, you are trying to cut me in line (but like screaming in my face)! I actually stood up for myself which I often struggle to do but the way he spoke to me was just so belittling. As if I really need to cut you in line to count my tickets at Dave & Busters, asshole! After he left I totally cried cuz I was so upset.

Anyways, I just really struggle with these anger issues. If someone flips me off on the freeway or someone is a jerk at work, I really take it to heart and it often ruins my day.

Anyone else? How do you just block out stupid shit from your mind? I just want to kill someone when this shit happens? I can’t just tune it out, it really gets to me.


Well-known member
I know how you feel i used to get angry to the point where i do dtuff and i dont even know what i am doing till i am done venting but i have learnt to control it and i just brush my shoulders off because i know how i get and i am responsible for my actions


Well-known member
I have the same problem. I'm just highly sensitive about everything so comments and reactions from people really affect me. I don't really know how to deal with it, it's like it's impossible for me not to let it get to me =/


Well-known member
Ew, what a prick! I'm glad you stood up for yourself. People like that just have mental problems, screaming at others they don't even know.

I know it can be upsetting when you get into little spats with people, whether it's some asshole on the highway flipping you off or more direct confrontations like this one, but just realize that it's not you, it's them. It's easier said than done to simply say "f-ck it" it and move on, but if you can do that, you are mentally superior, haha..

My friend actually ran into a situation like this the other day at Costco. This douchebag had put his nearly empty shopping cart in line to save his space i guess? only thing was, no one was even around to see him do this.. so my friend and another lady that got in line were clueless as to whose cart it was so they just pushed it aside and were like..whatever. Then Mr. douche comes back after a good while and acts all disgusted and starts sighing and grunting like he's sooooo upset nobody knew wtf he was doing with his stupid cart in the line.. I mean, if he had said something like 'excuse me i have to run and get something real quick, i'll be right back' my friend was like... no problem i would have acknowledged his spot in line, but to just come outta nowhere like that and start bitching about it umm.. get over yourself dude.

People are so obnoxious.


Well-known member
Firstly good for you for standing up to him!

I have learned the worse thing to do is to get worked up and let the negative energy get to you. Just keep in mind that karma always comes around what I do is focus on the things I am thankful for, such as that I have wonderful friends and family that keeps me grounded and kind and that my life is not so effed up that I blow up on people for no good reason. These people are really just sad and unhappy people actually.

Also finding humor in it can be a good approach. When people flip me off on the road I don't get angry. I find it kinda amusing that they get so worked up over, nothing.


Well-known member
I dont have any advice for you but I am the same way. When someone yells at me or says something mean or is annoyed with me I get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally sensitive and upset about it. Its pretty deep. I dont know why I do, but I do. Not really with strangers though, more so with people that are close to me


Well-known member
Thanks gals for your responses.
As tough as I try to be, sometimes my emotions get the best of me.

I got over that douche screaming at me pretty quickly the next day. I just feel like I try to be kind to other people, I'm not the kind of person who cuts people in line or screams at people, so I get upset when people treat my like I'm the asshole. I do believe in karma, I just hope that people realize that the smallest things they do can have a big impact on other people, much more than they realize.


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel! I do the same thing, I swear that I take everything personally. What I do is explain it to my boyfriend or a close friend and they help to console me and help me feel better. If I can't do that I try to distract myself and I usually feel better about it later. Good for you for standing up to that jerk!