Anger! Mail Thief!


Well-known member
So, I dont know if this is in the right place, someone feel free to move it if so.

So, im currently in a long distance relationship, blahblah. We mailed eachother things for v-day.

In the package he sent me were a few items, along with a 100$ giftcard for MAC. Of course, I've been so excited, waiting for the mail mall everyday since last week. Making a shopping list and all!

AND my luck, someone had STOLE the giftcard. THE GIFTCARD IS NOT IN THE PACKAGE. The package looked as if it 'ripped' and someone taped it up, but askldjlksajdas. And, the nerve of this person, the gift card 'case' and MAC bag are still nicely in the package.. just the giftcard isnt.

The post office isn't being helpful at all. They say they can't really do anything :'(

Im fairly upset because hey.. that was my present some asshole took.. but blah.

Has anyone ever had anything taken out of the mail?


Well-known member
See if your BF still has the receipt. It may have the gift card info on it, and then you can call MAC and see if there's any way for them to cancel the stolen one and reissue you (or your bf) a new one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
See if your BF still has the receipt. It may have the gift card info on it, and then you can call MAC and see if there's any way for them to cancel the stolen one and reissue you (or your bf) a new one.

this is the best thing to do .. im so sorry this has happened. Call mac CS


Well-known member
man this makes me angery - some people can be complete ass holes. so sorry your gift got stolen. fingers crossed he can cancel teh gift card and get you a new one


Well-known member
Cancelling the giftcard hasn't gone that good. I think its gone forever
I can't believe some people, open a package getting mailed to steal something? Ugh. dlskjf

Well, so far no good! oh well, its just makeup right? haha


Well-known member
Did your boyfriend send the package with insurance when he shipped it? If so, you might be able to recoup the value from the USPS that way.

So sorry this happened to you.


Well-known member
Grrr some people seriously just dont care! Sorry to hear this has happened, its not 'just make up' it $100 that some <insert expletive> has take upon themselves to steal!