Annual Washington Post Hunt


Well-known member
I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong forum.

For any of you ladies in the DC area....
is anyone attending the Washington Post Hunt?!
ever even heard of it?

if you haven't, here's WPM's (Washington Post Magazine's) description:
"It's a big contest that will play out on the streets of Washington on Sunday, June 6. It was created by Dave Barry, Tom Shroder and Gene Weingarten, who also wrote the health-care bill. The Hunt is now in its third year. To compete, you'll spend an afternoon trying to solve big and bizarre puzzles strewn throughtout the heart of monumental Washington. You could win valuable prizes."​
valuable prizes=$2,000 !! (MAC visit, anyone?!)

I just read about this for the first time about an hour ago, and I am SUPER psyched. I adore puzzles and mind games, and I love being downtown. The puzzles seem really challenging, and would most likely require a team effort. Unfortunately, I have no one to go with on such short notice. Any fellow Spectra members who also love puzzles care to meet up?
I REALLLLY want to do this

If you're interested, or just want to know what in the world I'm talking about, stop by The Post Hunt. There, they give detailed instructions, videos of 2008's hunt, and more.

Thanks for reading, and please please please let me know if you're interested!

PS: I don't expect to win, or even solve it, but it would be a great experience

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