Another Fake MAC seller on Ebay!


Well-known member
Oh wow. Can it be more fake like that??


Well-known member
roflmao wow....these people could get jobs designing MAC's real products, they're so creative! i can't count all the different designs i've seen..all look so so fake! haha. thx for posting!


Active member
i've seen the auctions on ebay. horrible fakes. ebay seller has more than 5 of the same auctions listed and s/he does not have the "color names" listed as well. one of the worst knock off MAC's i've ever seen


Well-known member
I have already reported this seller to Ebay by "Help -> Contac us -> Listing violations -> Counterfeits and copyright violations -> Potential trademark infringement -> Other replica or counterfeit items" and typed in the article number.

But they haven't removed it yet.
Sometimes they remove it quickly after reporting.
I hope this will happen before the auction ends!