Another newbie! (From the UK!)


Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd say hi to you all before I dive in and start posting! So, yeah, hello!

I'm Alexandra, 20 and a student. I have a lovely boyfriend who I will often talk about when I go O/T and appologise for that in advance!

I'm (obviously) new to here but not new to forums in general, I mod one and am active on a few - the one I mod has an awesome MAC thread and between the girls on there and watching my favourite YouTube makeup artists (Like Panacea81.. She's near my neck of the woods too!), I'm starting to develop a bit of a scary MAC addiction!

I'm hoping to find time to nip in tomorrow to have a looksie at the HK stuff - my credit card is quivering already! :O

So.. yeah, hi everyone!


Well-known member
I hope you learn a lot from specktra as well as share your ideas and Looks.
I myself dont get a chance to post often..I like to read and look at everyone's FOTD's, but i love it here and Im sure you will too!!!


aww thanks everyone... btw, when is the mac HK stuff out in the counters in the uk? I know there have been some launch parties, but i think i may have missed Newcastle's... I don't know! lol..


New member
Originally Posted by LivingFire
aww thanks everyone... btw, when is the mac HK stuff out in the counters in the uk? I know there have been some launch parties, but i think i may have missed Newcastle's... I don't know! lol..

On counters next Thursday.. can't wait!


Originally Posted by nycki
On counters next Thursday.. can't wait!

Thanks! I can't wait either... I know I shouldn't be putting MAC on my credit card... but... (oh, aforementioned credit card is running away as we speak...)



Well-known member
Welcome to a place, that makes you think that your MAC collection is the smallest one in the world... and therefore you buy more MAC and you become an addict - OK enough....I love this place, and so will you