Another pigment ebay seller that thinks his pigs are genuine!!!


Well-known member
hay guys...

this persons got a shit loada mac pigments, all fake...
there old style ones with the wierd lid..

here one of them.... mac pigment eyeshadow on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 16-Jun-08 07:06:51 BST)

so i messaged them asking if they knew they were fake and i got this back:

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Ummmm you obviously dont know much at all...
If you think you can look at a pic and tell that its fake then id love you to come to new zealand so I can Get you on tv...?! wow we could realy make something of you!! dont ya think?
NOW Mac is made all over the world. The grape you asked about is pro range. I had another "know it all" try pull that move on me so i went to Mac's brand laywers here in new zealand, Plus we sent our pigments to Estee lauder... You come to me with all this Fact?! but you have no ground to stand on... how pathetic!
How rude!!

so ebay name: [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]bennett.enterprise [/FONT]


Well-known member
*dead* @ Color: “What you see is what you get”

i wish eBay had the BALLS to kick people off like this....


Well-known member
will it be unlady-like if I want to kick his a-s? and run him over with my Jeep, go in reverse, and do the same thing a few times and make him road-kill?



Well-known member
And my next message...

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]I said nothing about receiving these from estee lauder!! Macs brand lawyers sent my products to estee lauder for the second time and i have had them sent back to me saying there the real thing...
you would know that it is more ilegal to go round saying the mac have fakes!! thats slander and mispresentation of there brand name!FACT
your just a compeditor that is letting me affect your life!! Grow up and move on...
and sounds to me like you have more than 1 login!
The lids that are diff were made in usa!! Macs made all over the world and you should at least know that with all your knowledge! please...[/FONT]


Well-known member
LOL - this is laughable. This bojo is in NZ which is kind of shameful really since NZ is really thought of by us as a buddy country.......
Mac pigments are ONLY made in Canada and the US. The never come with no names - even the unofficial items all have working names.....
As we know he is lying about Estee Lauder reps telling him they are real perhaps HE should be reminded of slander and defamation as he is actually misrepresenting the company by selling counterfeit goods....LOLOL!


Well-known member
People like this make me really angry. I saw these listings the other day and meant to email the buyers at the end of the auction. I completely forgot, but I just emailed the buyer in this auction to let them know. Hopefully, if they haven't paid already, they won't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClareBear86
hay guys...

this persons got a shit loada mac pigments, all fake...
there old style ones with the wierd lid..

here one of them.... mac pigment eyeshadow on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 16-Jun-08 07:06:51 BST)

so i messaged them asking if they knew they were fake and i got this back:

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Ummmm you obviously dont know much at all...
If you think you can look at a pic and tell that its fake then id love you to come to new zealand so I can Get you on tv...?! wow we could realy make something of you!! dont ya think?
NOW Mac is made all over the world. The grape you asked about is pro range. I had another "know it all" try pull that move on me so i went to Mac's brand laywers here in new zealand, Plus we sent our pigments to Estee lauder... You come to me with all this Fact?! but you have no ground to stand on... how pathetic!
How rude!!

so ebay name: [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]bennett.enterprise [/FONT]

LOL..... you have to admire their sheer audacity!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angi
People like this make me really angry. I saw these listings the other day and meant to email the buyers at the end of the auction. I completely forgot, but I just emailed the buyer in this auction to let them know. Hopefully, if they haven't paid already, they won't.

Good for you, let's keep bombarding ebay!


Well-known member
This guy is a joke! Color is What you see is what you get? WTF!!

and what is going on with the inside of the cap?


Well-known member
^^The inside of the cap is a little funnel shape insert - its kind of strange looking, there were some older pics here of these funnel type inserts but I cant find them again??

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofabean
omg how rude of him! why didn't he even list the color? lol

Oh, but then that would mean he’d have to admit to his own self that the lie is real.

Putting a name to the lie, oooooh now that's some powerful we all know denial is everything! The ultimate quadruple Jinx!!!

I'd stake my traincases that this clown has to sleep standing up on a board!

People like this…I mean compromising your integrity over a respectable product is one thing, but messing with the brand, and with a beauty product that goes on people’s skin, that’s unconscionable.

If he put just half the effort he does in proving to the world that he has, absolutely, no class what-so-ever, into maybe using a little humility when he’s being called on for his impropriety? Well in certain circles of the grift that would be considered “priceless” The big follow through!

Let’s grade ‘em shall we?

Let’s see, personally, I think he needed to follow through and really make you believe what he was selling was legit, and for that, I could only give him a D+! And that was, simply, for the effort.

He isn’t, even, slick enough to be called a sleaze ball! He’s just a moron!

Poor thing - he must really believe he’s in the Big Leagues, rippin’ folks off on eBay…can you even imagine for a second how clever he thinks he is – not giving his Pigment a name?

“What you see is what you get”

Now - if he could, only, get some lessons from some real drug dealers and pimps on how to be really shady – well then - they, very well, may be able to teach him to have the balls, enough, to put a name to that lie!

“Bullsh!tter’s Blue”
“Cowardly Cobalt”
“Royal Swindle”
“Probably Purple?
“Hustler’s Blue Haze”

See…he has no imagination – no follow through, as was evident in his unconvincing responses! Poor thing…

Another sunset goes down on the Grifter…who’s days are, inevitably, numbered like a forgotten banana!


Well-known member
LOL “Probably Purple?" That made me think of Anchorman..."I'm Ron Burgundy?" Like uh I guess these are pigments? I'm too stupid to list the color. Duuurrrr