Any experience with Strawberrys MAC Boutique on


Active member
Before I shell out for a few samples I thought I'd get the Specktra ladies expert advice. Can anyone tell me if this is a reputable seller, or if something looks dodgy?

I can't tell authenticity from the picures she has, but what worries me is that she sells 1/4 teaspoon samples at £1.25 each, which makes for a very small profit margin if they are genuine.


Well-known member
Ive bought quite a few from her and not too sure if they are genune cos Im new to Mac but definitely couldnt complain about the service etc


Well-known member
From what i know DONT buy from her
theirs been several members here on specktra that have said negitive things about her

she apparently doesnt get back to peoples emails takes up to a month to ship out and has alot of negitive feedback under her name.

So that just sends up red flags in my head.

Its way too easy to fake mac pigments and sell them for a ton of money on ebay for all you know they could have just put any CVS powder eyeshadow into there and you really cant tell untill its gets to you and you compare it to a genuine product.

Thats one of the many reasons why i wont buy mac off ebay.


Well-known member
I just bought a full sized pigment from her. It took over 2 weeks to get to me, and I am also in the U.K. She did not email me to advise there would be a delay.

However the item was genuine, and as described.