Any fellow Lovecraft fans about??


Well-known member
So I just heard that the HPLHS are making "The Whisperer In Darkness" into a movie and I'm so excited I had to start shouting about it!!

Has anyone else seen thier other production "Call of Cthulu" (It was done in 30's german impressionist style)

YouTube - The Whisperer in Darkness

Has anyone seen any good adaptations of his novels? (Or even any really bad ones??)

I have also seen Dagon, (Masters of horror) Dreams in the Witch house which at first I was sure would be a dud.


Well-known member
^I'm a fan of Lovecraft!! Dagon is probably one of the best adaptations of one of his works that I have seen. I have also watched the Call of Cthulu production you mentioned

There is a really good (and scary as hell) PC game called "The Call of Cthulu Dark Corners of the Earth."

Some of the other movies I've seen:
- The Dunwich Horror
- The Mountains of Madness
- The Re-Animator
- Necronomicon

Unfortunately the majority of the adaptations are really crappy. I would really like to see "The Shunned House" and "The Colour Out of Space" made into films by a decent production team.

Have you seen the book, A Lovecract Retrospective: Artists Inspired by HP Lovecraft?! It's been on my wishlist since for ever... It's over $500 here in Australia :X


Well-known member
OMG!! Is that the game where your sanity meter drops and you start to hallucinate!! I LOVE that game! (well I love watching other people play it because I suck at computer games!!
) I think that is Xbox though.. i will have to look into that.

I had NO idea there was a film version of The Mountains of Madness! :O Was it worth watching?

The Re-aminator trilogy was pretty good, but by the third one I must admit I could no longer suspend my disbelief. lol Was it the second with the rat guy? I really think the *idea* of his charactor could have worked in an okay way, but it was executed so abysmally.

I have seen the book, I know one of the contributing artists.
I REALLY want a copy of it too. It's sick expensive here as well. I assume you've seen the sample pages?

So if you had to pick just 1 tale, what would it be?

Mine will always be The mountains of Madness, partly because they set out on my b-day! <3


Well-known member
Lol, I actually confused the Mountains of Madness with a crappy movie I watched years ago called "The Mouth of Madness" starring Sam Neil >_< Apparently there is a real movie though that was made in 2006 so maybe try and track it down.

There is a movie called "The Mist" about this mist that descends over a small town and opens a dimension into who knows where. While it isn't a Lovecraft story there are elements in there that could easily be taken from one. It's worth watching especially for the ending...!

Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
So if you had to pick just 1 tale, what would it be?

Mine will always be The mountains of Madness, partly because they set out on my b-day! <3

^Just one? Hmm, dunno if I can do that. I really like The Rats in the Walls and The Shunned House... I kinda have a thing for creepy old houses. I grew up in one hehehe. All of his works are genius IMO though.. So imaginative and original for his time.


Well-known member
Why does the name Sam Neil make me cringe already? He sounds Sci-fi stock.
I will have a look for it, but you're responsible for every bad word I throw at my TV when it plays! :p

I know the exact one you mean, it's a direct adaptation of a *shudder* stephen king. I assure you the film is FAR superior to the novel.
It did remind me of Lovecraft too though, especially the tentacle thing. Very unknown and squamus.

I always assumed he was on *something* most likely opiates but I have never found anything to back it up (even found statements that he was entirely clean wtf?) , I find it so hard to comprehend what must have been happening inside his head.

There was one of his shorter stories I had a lot of trouble getting into, but overall I think you're right he was a genius! I hear there is a book of his "dream diary" of sorts in the making atm, but I know very little about it.

I love things set in creepy houses too! I have never lived in one but I stayed in one on holiday once. I loved the atmosphere!

What was the house you grew up in like for creepiness? My childhood home was just creepy for the basement and attic which didn't have locks on the doors/openings. :| I would always wash my hands before flushing the loo then RUN past the attic opening to "safety" because everyone knows toilets wake up monsters!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
Why does the name Sam Neil make me cringe already? He sounds Sci-fi stock.
I will have a look for it, but you're responsible for every bad word I throw at my TV when it plays! :p

^Hahah poor Sam Neil. He's an Aussie actor probably best known for his role in Jurassic Park.. He was the dad/doctor. He's not a bad actor really, the movie was just not that great. I personally love watching bad horror movies lol... Well apart from this completely awful Canadian zombie movie called "Autumn". It suucckkeedd.. Never watch it!

Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
I know the exact one you mean, it's a direct adaptation of a *shudder* stephen king. I assure you the film is FAR superior to the novel.
It did remind me of Lovecraft too though, especially the tentacle thing. Very unknown and squamus.

^Yes the Film was quite good. I love the giant monster walking around at the end!

Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
I love things set in creepy houses too! I have never lived in one but I stayed in one on holiday once. I loved the atmosphere!

What was the house you grew up in like for creepiness? My childhood home was just creepy for the basement and attic which didn't have locks on the doors/openings. :| I would always wash my hands before flushing the loo then RUN past the attic opening to "safety" because everyone knows toilets wake up monsters!!

^Hmm it was like something out of a horror movie. Really old, hard wood floors that creaked, old pipes that groaned in the walls, lots of closets and rooms to get trapped or locked in by evil siblings...
We had a creepy basement too. The house was built in 1929 and had 3 stories. The main entrance was like something out of an old movie. There is a checkered black and white floor, a long fancy staircase and really high ceilings. The front door was like something you'd see at a castle. Solid wood, rounded top, iron brackets and a huge iron door knock. There was a big wooden bar you had to lift up to open the door too! Security issues anyone?

We had this massive basement with 5 rooms..No one ever went down there except to do the laundry or get wood in the winter. The main area had an old unused bar, next to that was another area you walk into with an old scary furnace, a wood room, an old bathroom and another room with junk in it. I swear it was haunted down there :S It was really quite terrifying actually, cold and damp year round, lots of noise from the furnace, and a really narrow, dark stair case leading down there. Some pretty bad stuff happened in the house that I wont get into but that's why it was haunted! This is probably the reason I am so fascinated by all things macabre


Well-known member
Ahh!!! That's actually pretty much my ultimate favourite set of films. Jurassic Park turned my nan's airing cupboard into a place where dinosaurs could potentially be hiding. It ruined my nerves for years! LOL!
Explains why I know the name, I was thinking it was a woman who was recently in Dr Who, but was also in some other awesome scifi series years back.

I love bad horror films too! I'm a sucker for the universal monster movies! Esp the Frankenstien series!
I'm really into 1940s romcoms right now though. It started with Hitchcock and just fanned out.

Wow!! I would love to have grown up somewhere like that! My childhood house was creaky and our garden was outright scary at night (Big hedges and long grass, and we had very manky disused looking window frames lol) Do you have any photos of the place?

The scariest place I have lived in was a shitty block of flats when I had just left home which *HAS* to have been haunted. It was mostly full of junkies, hookers, art students and single mums on the rough. There were 3, 1 shooting and 1 flat burnt down (2 kids and mum) in the 9 months I lived there.

I sincerely don't know if I believe in ghosts, I have certainly seen and heard things, but my mum used to get severe stress related hallucinations so a lot of me wonders if I have a minor touch of whatever caused hers.

Would you say you believe you've seen/heard things which are genuine?

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