Any IBS sufferers on here?


Well-known member
I suffer from IBS real bad and at the moment I just feel awful.... I go through stages of it being bad, past month i've been okay, but past week I've felt like s**t to put it bluntly.

So, anyone else suffer from this??
I want to know what you find helps and what irritates it, because as far as I'm aware with myself EVERYTHING irritates it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
I suffer from IBS real bad and at the moment I just feel awful.... I go through stages of it being bad, past month i've been okay, but past week I've felt like s**t to put it bluntly.

So, anyone else suffer from this??
I want to know what you find helps and what irritates it, because as far as I'm aware with myself EVERYTHING irritates it!!

Girl, I feel your pain!! I have IBS and I ALSO have ulcerative colitis. Not to be gross, but there's never a happy medium for me. Either I can't go to the bathroom or I'm going too much and feeling miserable both ways. Supposedly upping your fiber intake is great for IBS but too much is bad for UC and can irritate it more, so I'm screwed either way. My UC is much worse than the IBS, but I do take medicine for the UC. I have to take 3 pills 3x daily and it really sucks trying to remember to take the pills.
I would suggest seeing your gastroenterologist if you have one, and if not I would strongly recommend finding one. You may need to see if you have UC like I do or if there is anything else you can do to make your IBS better. The only thing other than meds that makes it better is finding what foods trigger it and avoiding them. For me it's mostly tomatoes and spaghetti sauce.
HTH and hang in there!! It'll get better!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by euphrosyne_rose
Girl, I feel your pain!! I have IBS and I ALSO have ulcerative colitis. Not to be gross, but there's never a happy medium for me. Either I can't go to the bathroom or I'm going too much and feeling miserable both ways. Supposedly upping your fiber intake is great for IBS but too much is bad for UC and can irritate it more, so I'm screwed either way. My UC is much worse than the IBS, but I do take medicine for the UC. I have to take 3 pills 3x daily and it really sucks trying to remember to take the pills.
I would suggest seeing your gastroenterologist if you have one, and if not I would strongly recommend finding one. You may need to see if you have UC like I do or if there is anything else you can do to make your IBS better. The only thing other than meds that makes it better is finding what foods trigger it and avoiding them. For me it's mostly tomatoes and spaghetti sauce.
HTH and hang in there!! It'll get better!!

thats exactly what i'm like! i'm either really constipated or the complete opposite. last year wasn't too bad, like i felt pretty rough every so often, but since christmas its been awful! i find pasta irritates it quite a lot and stuff with garlic in, but i love both
! i'm too scared to go see a gastroenterologist because my doctor told me if i want to find out if its anything else i'd have to bring in a stool sample (i hate those words!) and i bet it'd just be my luck that i'd be driving there and i'd crash or something, so not only would i be injured, i'd be covered in my own 'stool' hahaha, sounds so pathetic but that and me dropping it in front of someone is the main reason why i won't go, pathetic i know!
i feel so sorry for you having ulcerative colitis, a friend of mine has it and he suffers terribly.
my symptons seem to be getting worse, i'm starting to worry (being mega paranoid obviously) that i have chrohns disease but i really doubt it is as another friend of mine has it and i see what she goes through!
i just feel rubbish and i hate. i feel so bloated n just ugh. i think i better take yr advice and go to a specialist! thank you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
thats exactly what i'm like! i'm either really constipated or the complete opposite. last year wasn't too bad, like i felt pretty rough every so often, but since christmas its been awful! i find pasta irritates it quite a lot and stuff with garlic in, but i love both
! i'm too scared to go see a gastroenterologist because my doctor told me if i want to find out if its anything else i'd have to bring in a stool sample (i hate those words!) and i bet it'd just be my luck that i'd be driving there and i'd crash or something, so not only would i be injured, i'd be covered in my own 'stool' hahaha, sounds so pathetic but that and me dropping it in front of someone is the main reason why i won't go, pathetic i know!
i feel so sorry for you having ulcerative colitis, a friend of mine has it and he suffers terribly.
my symptons seem to be getting worse, i'm starting to worry (being mega paranoid obviously) that i have chrohns disease but i really doubt it is as another friend of mine has it and i see what she goes through!
i just feel rubbish and i hate. i feel so bloated n just ugh. i think i better take yr advice and go to a specialist! thank you

I never had to give a stool sample that I can remember but I know at my doctor's office they see the new patient first, take their history and the patient tells them what symptoms they are having, and then from there they may order some lab work and most of the time you take the specimen containers HOME and bring it back in a bag. I think that way it's not as weird or embarrassing. I was paranoid too when it all started b/c my grandfather had colon cancer and I do have to get checked every few years now. Not to freak you out, but supposedly the risk of colon cancer is increased for people with UC and Crohn's for every 10 years you have it or something like that. I just had my first colonoscopy and other than having to drink that horrible liquid crap it was painless and I didn't feel a thing b/c they knocked me out for it. After I got home I slept off the anesthesia and it was some of the BEST sleep I've had in a long time! LOL.
Just make an appointment with the specialist and try not to freak out or stress b/c that WILL make it worse. Believe me. Stress is the main reason for my relapses most of the time. It's better to have to go to the doctor and do the icky stuff to get better than sit home and worry over. Let me know how it goes for ya!!! I've dealth with it for 6 years now so I feel like a pro!


Well-known member
try going on a wheat & gluten free diet. eliminate these, i did and now i can go after 30 yrs!!!!!!!!!!!! my colitis/ibs cleared...bloating gone too,


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macedout
try going on a wheat & gluten free diet. eliminate these, i did and now i can go after 30 yrs!!!!!!!!!!!! my colitis/ibs cleared...bloating gone too,

I may have to try that!! Bloating is one of the major things that makes me uncomfy and there are times when I am really hungry but feel full at the same time!!! I would LOVE to have a bloat free day!!!


Well-known member
I suffer from IBS as well, and I find that caffeine-free peppermint tea helps a lot with the cramping, bloating, irregularity and overall discomfort of IBS. It's worth giving it a try. HTH!


Active member
Hi - this is my very first post on here but here goes!

My husband has TERRIBLE IBS and has had it for years. Freakin' everything triggers his IBS. We have to be so careful where we eat when we eat out as everything sets it off.

We recently read an article in men's health magazine about a study they did with IBS sufferers taking something called Pepogest. It's made with peppermint extract and it dissolves in your intestines, NOT your stomach (cuz you would get AWFUL heartburn there if it did). The pepogest has been incredible. It has worked tremendously. His IBS gives him terrible diarrhea (sorry to be so gross) and we've gone to more GI dr's than I knew existed around us to try to get him some help. So far this has really helped. It is something we bought over the web, really cheap and we got it from a natural food website place. So far so good, something at least to look into. So far no weird side effects or anything either.

Good luck!


Well-known member
i dont have it but a friend of mine does. i did some research one day and came across info regarding omega 3 and flax seed capsules. she purchased them and has said they really help her when she is constipated and cramping.


Well-known member
I got diagnosed with IBS today - how unlucky am I! I'm sort of glad that I have something to put my symptoms down to though. I have the form where I go way too often, lots of cramping, bloating and nausea too. I'm not sure at the moment if anything in particular brings it on. But it started a couple of months ago after a very very hard year.

I have just started the drug Colofac, it's an antispasmodic I think. So it's too soon to tell anyone whether I'm feeling any benefits. I've been doing a little research and I'm going to try some natural supplements too such as chamomile, evening primrose oil, peppermint, probiotics, calcium, L-Glutamine etc. and some sort of fiber. Just see if I can get some control over this... It's making me quite miserable and I already have a lot going on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emilith
We have to be so careful where we eat when we eat out as everything sets it off.

I officially got diagnosed today, the dr has been saying for 2 months that he thought that's what it was so idk why it took him so long but whatever.

Everything sets me off. for the last 2 moths I've litterally been on a cereal, banana and peach diet because they're the ONLY things that don't irritate me... If I eat anything else, i'm bloated and cramping and nauseated within minutes....

&& As far as boo boo... I'm either constipated or if I go out to eat oh lord, let's just say the opposite of constipated... ...


Well-known member
Well I got misdiagnosed.
I don't have IBS I have IBD. Most likely Crohn's disease, but they're not sure yet.
Almost got admitted to hospital yesterday for lots of tests but managed to avoid it. I'm just really annoyed because it's hard to understand how it happened.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieMT
Well I got misdiagnosed.
I don't have IBS I have IBD. Most likely Crohn's disease, but they're not sure yet.
Almost got admitted to hospital yesterday for lots of tests but managed to avoid it. I'm just really annoyed because it's hard to understand how it happened.

What's IBD? =[ Sorry


Well-known member
Inflammatary bowel disease - main forms are Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. IBS is almost a low grade version of IBD, some of the symptoms are very similar too.

I'm not really sure how to explain it as I don't know very much about it myself yet either. This is what Wikipedia says about it though, which is quite informative.


Active member
hey girls.. I used to have Ulcerative Colitis and I can totally empathize with you. It's not fun. Just be careful with all the medications you girls are taking.
Things that helped me was nothing fried, no red meat, and cutting out sugar, which is harder than hell. I also did the Apple Cider Pectin capsules, those worked well too.
For those girls who suffer from severe ulcerative colitis you may want to ask your gastro about removing your colon and having them create a j-pouch (inside with small intestine), that is what they did to me about 8 years ago, and I finally have my life back. No more colitis, since no more colon.
Check it out, if I had known about it earlier, I totally would have done it. Only reason I did do it was because the medication stopped working and then I had a perforated colon.
If you girls want more details, feel free to pm me.

Originally Posted by NatalieMT
Inflammotary bowel disease - main forms are Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. IBS is almost a low grade version of IBD, some of the symptoms are very similar too.

I'm not really sure how to explain it as I don't know very much about it myself yet either. This is what Wikipedia says about it though, which is quite informative.



Well-known member
thanks for all the replies...this helped me out too!!! i'm gonna try that peppermint extract to see if that works!!


Well-known member
Hi, I've suffered from IBS for the 8 years now.

It was definately brought on by stress and if I am stressed or have a poor diet then it rears its ugly head. I have now found a regime that works for me and have the IBS under control.

Reguarding Diet:

I cut out dairy produce, chocolate, certain wheat product such as bread, fizzy drinks, sweets, coffee, nicotine, alcohol. Also I too found that garlic was an irritant so I cut down on that too, yeast products.

Now WTF did I eat you may ask!!!

Fruit, vegetables, Brown Rice, Meat, Fish, a little probiotic natural yoghurt if you can tolerate it (Yeo Valley is good), Salad, Nuts, seeds etc Yep the healthy stuff (think Gillian McKeith, in fact I would check her website for ideas), pulses, chickpeas oh and if you like something quick for dinner then Tesco do these Tuna Snack pots with beans in them, Sugar free muesli is good too (£1.15 a box at Tesco...prob even cheaper at Asda).

Drink loads of water this will really help with the constipation and flush your system, Peppermint tea is excellent for soothing bellies as is chamomile (twinings do a Chamomile, honey and vanilla that's very nice), If you need to sweeten do so with a teaspoon of honey.

Make sure you have regular meal times, this was my biggest downfall, I would skip meals then eat crap of course I felt like uttter sh**e!
If you don't eat breakfast then make up a fruit smoothie with Banana, Oats (you can get 100% scottish Oats at suppermarket here in UK, you ony need a palm full), some berries and I like to use Rice milk. Snack on some nuts on the way to work.

Check out Holland and Barratt for a multi-vitamin and I have also found that Aloe Vera capsules help as do Peppermint capsules, Accidophilus (this is a must! it is in a white bottle with red writing and I think costs about £6), take one of these every day, it will help with the bloating and is far more effective than natural yoghurt.
As you mainly suffer constipation I also recoment Aloe Vera Colon Cleanse from Holland & Barrett....they really do work and gently too. Just take one before you go bed and I can garrentee you will be regular the next day.
Vitamin E oil capsules should also keep everything moving so to speak.

I know the no alcohol is a pain, especially over here in the UK where a night out with mates equals a p*ss up, I find it helps to be designated driver, I have just learnt its not worth feeling awful for days afterwards.

Stress is the biggest factor, I relax with a warm Lavender bath, regular massage (this works wonders, I forgo a manicure), I get the massure to focus on my stomach, abdoman and lower back......even better get the other half to do it!

It is worth going to the doctor and getting refered to a specialist, I underwent a colonopscopy to check the IBS had not done any lasting damage to insides, not pleasant but painless and worthwhile for pease of mind.

A possitive is I went from a size 14 to a a size 8/10......LOVE my new figure, my skin, hair, nails are just amazing and I look better now in my late 20 s than I did in my teens. Everyone is always amazed I am older than 22!!

Hope this helps and PM me for any questions, I'm in the UK so can help with any more recomendations of vitamins, teas etc on a budget


Well-known member
Originally Posted by euphrosyne_rose
I may have to try that!! Bloating is one of the major things that makes me uncomfy and there are times when I am really hungry but feel full at the same time!!! I would LOVE to have a bloat free day!!!

I know that feeling. ugh, it can be really horrible. I felt like this for 2 weeks straight once couldn't manage more than a spoonful yet i was starving. I couldn't get out of bed either cause i felt so full i felt i was gonna throw up

I don't have it that bad anymore now though. Don't think i have actual IBS but i was given medication for the 2 weeks i was ill; apparently it was gas :S
I get it only very mildly now and i think what's really helped is drinking nothing but water - fizzy drinks give me hell