anyone at mac know what to do.....


Well-known member
I just dropped off my res. last week to the assistant manager who was ecstatic about me - she thought I already worked at Mac! I know the 3rd key at that counter, and she's been trying to get me to hand it in.

So she gave me the manager's card and told me to follow up this week...what should I say and expect her to say? She also said I could drop by in person to follow up....what should I do? And should I drop by when the 3rd key I know is also working?

I also gave my res. to the freestanding store, and I know the 3rd key there as well....she told me to give it to her, but when I followed up she said they were not doing interviews but would call me when they do...but I'm not sure if she will or not
Should I follow up again in a few weeks/month or so?

Any advice plllleeeeaaassse!!


Well-known member
Try doing a search through this forum.

The whole application/handing-in-resume/interview&demo process/what working at MAC entails/sales goal/customer service, etc. etc. has been thoroughly and extensively discussed on this particular board.

If any of those posts still don't answer your questions, and I am sure someone will offer you some assistance and advice.


Well-known member
I would follow up with the manager in person when you know your friend will be there. I mean, anything you can do to increase your odds and that seems like some good odds
. Dress to the nines in all black as if you were already working there and do your makeup as fierce as possible. You might even get an on the spot interview. Good luck!