Anyone else struggle to get up on time in the morning?

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Well-known member
Back to work again tomorrow. My bf and I find the mornings a real struggle and often snooze through an hour until the alarm no longer goes off waking in a blind panic and arguing our way to our respective jobs. Anyone else struggle/have solutions or find it easy? I'd love to work up to a routine but doctors/friends etc say we are probably just heavy sleepers


Well-known member
I totally understand! I dont snooze through alarm cause my husband keeps nagging me to get up but I have actually fallen asleep on the way to work (1 x) and started to drink coffee about 1 month ago to help me stay alert on the way to work


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luckyme
I totally understand! I dont snooze through alarm cause my husband keeps nagging me to get up but I have actually fallen asleep on the way to work (1 x) and started to drink coffee about 1 month ago to help me stay alert on the way to work

On the rare occassion that he feels its really important we get up (like to catch a train etc) he will just say my name over and over which really riles me up!


Well-known member
when I sleep by myself, I hit the snooze button a few times but I can wake myself up. For some reason, when me and my boyfriend sleep together, we cannot wake up. I just can't do it. Its weird....

I hate waking up.
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