Anyone ever heard of or tried FaceFront cosmetics?


Well-known member
I stumbled upon a website today called FaceFront cosmetics. I was wondering whether anyone had heard anything good/bad about them or if anyone has shopped with them.
I searched these forums high and low and could not find any posts on this company.
Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!



New member
i bought some last week and just recieved the package today
let me tell you !
these colors are so VIBRANT!! they are amazingly beautiful i purchased the eyeshadows shock tart and bold gold at $10 each and i am extremely happy with my purchase. i did not purchase the primer called the survival paint because it has petroleum in it and everyone knows petroleum causes oily lids and creasing
but if you would like to know anything else be sure to contact me!



Well-known member
This should help:

YouTube - Facefront Cosmetics Experiment

...I ordered the Survival Paint from them and received it yesterday-I haven't tried it yet but I will post a review here for you when I do. I also ordered two of the Wear Me Out long lasting lip colors and I hated the smell of burnt plastic, so I gave them away. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartangE
I ordered the Survival Paint from them and received it yesterday-I haven't tried it yet but I will post a review here for you when I do. I also ordered two of the Wear Me Out long lasting lip colors and I hated the smell of burnt plastic, so I gave them away. HTH!

Can't wait to hear what you think of the Survival Paint. Julie really seems to like it, as well as soon of the mineral e/s, so I've been curious about this brand. I just wasn't crazy about mineral e/s in the past, so that's kept me from ordering.


Well-known member
I tried Survival Paint today...I'm not entirely sure about it yet. First of all, I used a 252SE to apply it, but I couldn't tell if it was on! It's totally clear, and you can't really feel it on, so I'm not sure if I used the proper amount or anything like that.

I used Perky p/p over it, and then put my powder e/s on, and it's been around 8 1/2 hours now. My makeup is perfect from a distance, but up close I have some very minor (barely noticeable) creasing...also the colors have kind of smeared from the crease-I don't know exactly how to explain it, but you know when the makeup kind of smears out of the crease and leaves your crease kinda naked? That's going on, again really mildly.

SO compared to UDPP (where I could go 12 hours or more without anything shifting) it's *almost* as good. I'm going to keep using it though, and I'll definitely report back
Maybe I just didn't put in on right today, so hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon! HTH!


Well-known member
I'm back...with bad news, sorry ladies. The Survival Paint on day 2 is just not working any magic for me. Today I tried a Shadestick over the Survival Paint, and in order to make sure I was actually getting anything on my lids I used my finger to rub the Paint onto my lids and then a 252 to go over it and smooth everything out. Then I put on the Shadestick, then my powder shadows. Blending was quite easy, except that my Shadestick kept sliding around and bunching up on me and it was not cute-especially since I was using Sharkskin!

Well it's been less than two hours and there's ALREADY creasing on my eyes. Boo, hiss! Thankfully this was a simple smoky eye look today, where it's supposed to look messy and creasing isn't as big of a deal as it usually is for me, or I'd be pissed!

So today, thumbs way down for the Survival Paint. I'll try it one more time, in case the finger application method was the culprit here, and I'll let you all know the results, of course. But so far I'm *thisclose* to running out and getting another UDPP to save the day!