Anyone familiar with MAC from 2005 and earlier? I need to know what's sought after still.


Well-known member
Anyone familiar with MAC from 2005 and earlier? I need to know what's sought after still.

I used to be an addict but I've been out of the MAC "scene" for several years. I started selling a lot of my stash but then got ill and couldn't cope with it. Anyone who messaged me about my now defunct sale thread and didn't get a reply, this is why and I am sorry.

Anyway, I am back and I seriously need to clear out. Most of what I have is from 2005 or earlier and I have a lot of what would be considered rare now, much of it brand new. However, I've not kept up with the brand. I have no idea what has been released since, what is popular and what going rates are. Because a lot of my stuff is so hard to find now, it's not a case of looking on eBay and in other sale threads to get an idea.

A lot of my lipsticks and lipglasses went off, many unused, which is really sad, but I've still got a tonne of other stuff, eyeshadows, quads, palettes, pigments, etc. etc. etc. which are fine. Some of my items, such as paints, I'll have to check. I've no idea if they'll still be ok.

Anyway, the point of my rambling, is to ask if there's anyone here who is familiar with MAC from 2005 and earlier that would help advise me on what's sought after and roughly what prices are like now, please?

[PS Please don't send me "have you got..?" messages. I'll list items in the clearance bin when I am ready to sell them]


Well-known member
This doesn't answer the question but maybe you should post a couple of things that you have? If you know the collection that might help create the value of your items.


Well-known member
I know you don't want "have you got" responses, but there is no way to tell if an item is still valuable or what the price range is if you don't tell us the item names. You could however try searching for the items through the clearance bin using the advanced search function and see what the going rate of your items are. HTH!


Well-known member
I will be posting a list eventually, but it's going to take a while to go through everything and I don't have masses of free time at the moment.

I'd be surprised if most of what I have will appear often in the clearance bin, tbh, and even if it does, the seller isn't necessarily asking a realistic price for it, (plus some sellers remove the prices for sold items, or remove the items completely). I've very little that's newer than 2005/2006 or thereabouts. Some of the names might not mean much to anyone who's only been into MAC for a year or two. I have stuff like adhesive skin jewels and long, long discontinued coloured false lashes; things that just aren't heard of often. I need to sort through everything and work out what I can part with. I don't want to list too much in one go though.

What I really need to know are of the things that were sought after a few years ago, what has been re-released or lost popularity. I'm talking about items like pleasureflush msf, parrot e/s, all girl pigment, deckchair pigment... that sort of thing. Most MAC addicts, if asked "what are the most sought after eye shadows/msfs/pigments at the moment?", could spout off a list. I used to be able to but I've been out of the loop for too long.


Well-known member
Since I mentioned the lashes, this is part of my collection. They're all MAC. (I'm not necessarily going to sell them though).

I'll work it out, I suppose. It's just going to take some time and patience!


Well-known member
I will be posting a list eventually, but it's going to take a while to go through everything and I don't have masses of free time at the moment.

I'd be surprised if most of what I have will appear often in the clearance bin, tbh, and even if it does, the seller isn't necessarily asking a realistic price for it, (plus some sellers remove the prices for sold items, or remove the items completely). I've very little that's newer than 2005/2006 or thereabouts. Some of the names might not mean much to anyone who's only been into MAC for a year or two. I have stuff like adhesive skin jewels and long, long discontinued coloured false lashes; things that just aren't heard of often. I need to sort through everything and work out what I can part with. I don't want to list too much in one go though.

What I really need to know are of the things that were sought after a few years ago, what has been re-released or lost popularity. I'm talking about items like pleasureflush msf, parrot e/s, all girl pigment, deckchair pigment... that sort of thing. Most MAC addicts, if asked "what are the most sought after eye shadows/msfs/pigments at the moment?", could spout off a list. I used to be able to but I've been out of the loop for too long.
Most sought after items to my knowledge

Smoke & Diamonds
Parrot(might be rerelased next month)

Metal Rock

All Girl
Coco Beach
Jam Session glitter
Soft Washed
Softwash Grey
Lily White
Your Ladyship
Any of the mattes Royal Blue, Mustard. Purple, etc.
Cool Pink
Pink Vivid
Light Blue
Marigold glitter

I'm sure there is more but this is what I can think at the moment. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Most sought after items to my knowledge

Smoke & Diamonds
Parrot(might be rerelased next month)

Metal Rock

All Girl
Coco Beach
Jam Session glitter
Soft Washed
Softwash Grey
Lily White
Your Ladyship
Any of the mattes Royal Blue, Mustard. Purple, etc.
Cool Pink
Pink Vivid
Light Blue
Marigold glitter

I'm sure there is more but this is what I can think at the moment. Hope this helps!
Thanks :) It makes sense to me to start with the stuff is most wanted as it'll be easier to sell and will get things off to a good start.


Well-known member
I would say the High Tea & Tantress stuff, any quads, any of the Veluxe e/s, Snake Eyes collx, Rock It Glitters, Rush metal pigments, Shade sticks if still creamy, Diana Ross, Liza for MAC, Tint Toons TLC if unopened, Treats lip products (if not opened), really anything in special packaging. Agree with Metal Rock and Pleasure flush MSF and all the older pigments.

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