Anyone had any experience with this seller?


Well-known member
[Mod edit: link removed to comply with forum rules]

This seller has a lot of neutrals and mutually withdrawn bad feedback, but that seems to mostly be from the cards he sells.


Well-known member
This subforum allows links to eBay listings to determine their authenticity rather than to determine how good a seller is. Where a seller is known to be selling fakes then it's OK to name and shame that seller as well as link to their auctions of fake products. This rule is in place to stop people placing links which deliberately advertise eBay sellers.

If you'd found an eBay seller who you can really trust and who gives good service they can be listed by eBay seller ID in the thread Favorite Ebay Sellers/MUA-Swappers?

So...(and I hate to have to do this) I'm going to have to remove the link you've posted because it's not to determine the authenticity of an item. I am however not going to delete this thread and am posting my thoughts (for what they're worth!).

That the seller isn't currently listed in Favorite Ebay Sellers/MUA-Swappers? thread doesn't mean they are a bad seller. It just nobody has reported them as a favourite (please excuse my UK English spelling!) yet.

The products being listed are genuine.

The seller lives in Markham which is where M·A·C's factory is so the products may well be factory direct. The Markham factory holds peridodic sales to staff and friends.

The products could of course also have been taken from the factory unlawfully. We have no way of knowing.

It looks unlikely that you'll end up with five duplicate products but it's a lucky dip. If you feel lucky, go for it. If you want something specific then give it a miss.