Applying moisturizer, primer and foundation?


Well-known member
Hey guys!

So I have my demo next week with the MAC counter near me and I'm so excited! I've been reading all the other posts, but I just had a quick question.

At home, I usually apply my moisturizer, primer and foundation (sometimes) with my fingers, or at least warm it up in my hands. Obviously I don't think this will fly at the counter haha. Are there any brushes/tools that will be available that you recommend I use?

Also any other tips you have would be great! I was told that I would have to do a day to night look, and I'm thinking about doing a neutral eye, a little blush and a neutral lip for the day look; then for the night maybe adding blacktrack and some muted red lips for a pinup look. Thanks in advance guys!


Well-known member
I would use the 190 for all these things. also mention how it has many uses as a selling point =]