Appointments for In-Store Events?


Well-known member
Hey everyone! Sorry if this has already been asked in recent history (I did a search but couldn't find anything).

I see a lot of people talking about reserving a spot at events - especially for Fafi. How do you go about doing this? I always thought you had to be invited - hence the mailers they send out. I always thought it was just the luck of the draw which events you got invited to (I got invited to Smoke Signals and Stylistics but of course neither interested me!).

So basically - is it considered tacky or weird to "invite" yourself to events? And if not, should you go into the store/counter or is it okay to just call and ask?


Well-known member
I definetly wouldn't consider it tacky. I was at MAC yesterday and the MA began telling me about Fafi and that they were having lunches february 14-16th and he asked me if I wanted to make an appointment to get my makeup done with Fafi and then I could buy whatever I wanted. So I did...on my birthday.
I would definetly ask a MA and see whats going on.

I'm not sure whats the deal with the mailers.


Well-known member
I did not get an invite to the Barbie Loves MAC event last year so I just called the store and asked to be put on the guest list. They had no problem with it at all.


Well-known member
I just usually call and ask if they're doing any special events for x event when it's released - they usually say yes, and then ask me if I want my name put on the list or if I want to sign up for whatever appointments theyre taking


Mac tracks their clients differently depending on where the counters are located. Mac stores have their own date base and those clients do receive mailers, but some Nordstrom clients might also because they shopped once at the MAC store. SO, bottom line, if you see a collection that you are interested in, call your closest or favorite location and find out when they in event. Not all counters have an event and they don't always have the same dates as the launch dates. To have a better opportunity to get the products you want you should book your appointment as close to the launch date as possible. ALSO......if you think you might want an item that is limited but will come back for it later, DON"T! The limited life stuff is just that. Once it is gone it's gone. You can always take it back if you decided you don't need it. Be sure to check your retailers return policy and make sure you take it back to the location you purchased or to the same brand partner location.