Are we getting Heatherette in the UK?


Active member
On MUA some people are saying it's going to be exclusive to Selfridges. Do you think this is true? I really hope not, I want loads from heatherette!


Well-known member
Selfridges do mail order including from the beauty counters so you should be able to pick something up.
You may even be able to pre order near the time.

Here's the link Selfridges & Co


Well-known member
Will it be on the MAC website? Maybe it's just not in the stores/counters, Anyone know?


Well-known member
i hope its gonna be on the site

i cant be bothered to faff on calling selfridges


Well-known member
I was asking about Heatherette at the MAC counter in Debenhams in Belfast, and it isn't coming there. Think the guy said it was exclusive to Selfridges and Harrods, but he said something about ordering it online. Not sure if he meant the MAC website though, or if was Harrods/Selfridges websites.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I'm sure it's going to be available online like the McQueen collection.

i bloody hope so!!! lol


Well-known member
The MAs at the Guildford counter were browsing the look book today and complaining they weren't getting Heatherette... they weren't sure if it'd be online though. I think there's a good chance it will be *crosses fingers*


Active member
I do hope it's online, but I hate ordering cold - I want to see them all in real life beforehand as I'm darker skinned and not all colours work for me. Returning stuff is such hassle too...


Well-known member
Im sure it'll be online, if not theyre going to have alot of unhappy customers!

The stuff looks so awesome I can't wait!


Well-known member
What a shock! My MA told me today that we won't get Heatherette here in Germany! Who is responsible for this?
Does MAC really think that German girls don't love hot pink? I am more than angry and disappointed. I just can't believe it. I 've been looking forward to Heatherette since weeks.
The lipsticks, the Beauty Powder,...

No, I just don't believe it.

(After that shock I went to Starbucks and ate a big chocolate cookie. But it did'nt help.)


Well-known member
i dont see why there has to be "so n so exclusives" i mean... not everyone in the UK has a selfridges or harvey nicks. I think its disgraceful especially for those of us who collect mac and spend ALOT of money on their brand, it puts me off them even though ill never stop buying from them but i just think its outrageous.
I just hope its gonna be online

remember when novel twist was out? it WASNT on the website :| i was gutted... hopefully heatherette will be


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i dont see why there has to be "so n so exclusives" I think its disgraceful especially for those of us who collect mac and spend ALOT of money on their brand, it puts me off them even though ill never stop buying from them but i just think its outrageous.
I just hope its gonna be online

It is indeed disgraceful! I am still angry.


Well-known member
Susanne could you not order it from the Uk if we get it on the website? You could always ring customer services and ask.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luceuk
Susanne could you not order it from the Uk if we get it on the website? You could always ring customer services and ask.

Thanks, I haven't thought about this possibility. Maybe there is the chance to order in the UK. I will find out!