Asked to Apply at MAC Counter...


Long time reader, first time poster (of substance, at least

A MAC counter just opened up at a Macy's about 45 minutes away from me; it was obviously one of the best days of my life because this is the only counter in a 100 mile radius. Most people in the area haven't really "embraced" MAC (or even know what it's all about!), so there isn't a strong following...yet.

Anyways. The MA at the counter and I started chatting it up the other day and, long story short: She turned out to be a retail manager, was amazed by my product knowledge and said "You should work here!" I gave her my "yeah, right" face, and she told me there would be a part time position opening up after the first of the year and that she'd stick an application in my bag to think about. I told her I already worked full time and that I live 45 minutes away, to which she responded "It'd be about 12 hours a'd work the weekend...we could even cut it down to ten hours and have you cover some weekday evenings...whatever you're comfortable with!"

At this point I'm pretty sure I went starry eyed, but wasn't quite convinced... So the manager continues to tell me about the GREAT discounts (
) and all the other perks about working for MAC (advancement, etc.). I was being slowly converted to the idea, and for the rest of the time I was at the counter she would interject with "You should totally work here!" "That's why you need to work here!" I finally pulled myself away from the counter with my purchases and was told, once again, to really consider it.

Of course I was beyond flattered to even be "recruited" like that, especially after reading how hard others have worked to even get an interview, let alone be hired. This is obviously an opportunity I shouldn't toss away lightly.

...Oh yes, there is a "but." Always is.

My makeup experience leaves something to be desired. I know more than the average person, but no where near the things I see you lovely ladies doing. I also have no retail experience, but quite a bit of customer service experience. That right there is enough to put me off, but I wasn't wearing "spectacular" makeup while there, and she also asked what I currently did, so she knows I don't have a retail background. Those two things should be clues as to my standing on the above mentioned, but she kept pushing the idea.

So, my questions. Do you think at this point in the counter's life they are more concerned with hiring people who love the brand, rather than those with makeup/retail experience? You can teach makeup, and you can teach someone to sell (to an extent)...but you can't teach love and passion for the product. That could be the most important thing, especially in a new market. And, honestly, the people I've met working there haven't had jaw-dropping makeup (save the manager, of course), so I don't know how picky they've been in the hiring process. One MA I met just had a smattering of Love Connection (no base!
) on her eyes and some sheer lipglass on her lips. I can do better than that.

Also, like I mentioned, this counter is almost an hour's drive away, and I'm already working a 40-hour week. Working at MAC would be a dream come true, but I don't want that dream to become jaded because working 50 hour weeks is killing me.

I could really use some advice. I'm extremely torn. Was this manager just trying to pick up everyone with some knowledge that she could (e.g., giving lots of people apps) because this is a new counter/market? (This, of course, means I'm not special. Woe.
) Do I apply, practice my butt off before a possible demo, and just go for it? Do I try to work an extra long week? Or should I realize I'm out of my league, say "thanks, but no thanks" to applying, and simply be pleased with the compliment?

The decision is killing me! I'd really appreciate any help at all. <3 ...and I'm sorry I got a little carried away with the length.


Active member
I hope that someone will reply to your post who has more MAC experience than me but maybe a perspective from a non-industry person could be a little helpful.

If you went for it and took this second job, if you started working there and you decided after a few weeks that the drive was killing you, the gas was burning a hole in your wallet and it was more stressful than you imagined, couldn't you just give notice and leave? You've already told this mgr some misgivings you have and therefore, they shouldn't really be surprised if it doesn't work out. You gave it a try, no harm no foul. It would give you great experience and maybe help you decide if this is a dream you really ought to pursue. Especially if you have a lot of product knowledge and a great desire to learn and be more in this field.

A lot of us get stuck at boring desk jobs and wonder what if. What if we had decided to go to school to do hair or makeup like we always dreamed of but never did? Is it ever too late? But I think this is a great opportunity to discover if this could be a possible dream job for you. You never know and what have you got to lose? Even if it doesn't work out, you could always say you tried it and it just wasn't for you and never wonder "What if?"

I hope maybe that gives you a little think about and helps some and doesn't confuse you more! Good luck!!!


Originally Posted by Emilith
A lot of us get stuck at boring desk jobs and wonder what if. What if we had decided to go to school to do hair or makeup like we always dreamed of but never did? Is it ever too late?

Oh man, this is totally me. I am constantly playing the "What If?" game in my head - especially since that "boring desk job" is what I have right now. But that "boring desk job" has job security, excellent benefits, and is literally five minutes away.

Life. Why must you be so difficult?


Active member
Originally Posted by _abby
But that "boring desk job" has job security, excellent benefits, and is literally five minutes away.

Well me too in a sense. Plus I'm 40 y/o and have a teenage daughter and a 7 y/o daughter. And the only time I think that you could possibly get away with a second job (if you want to look at it that way) is when you're young and you don't have all these responsibilities. There's plenty of time to be mature and responsible and happy with the security of a boring desk job. You don't have to give up the boring desk job do you? Only see if you can last with the desk job AND the MAC job?

And you never know what kind of connections you'll make if you take the MAC job. I love my MAC MA. I met her thru a recommendation of a friend at my boring desk job. You just never know what kind of doors this might open.


Well-known member
I think you should definelty take this opportunity..dont let it pass by you.
If the counter manager talked to you that way it seems that she really wants you to work there. I say give it a shot, its amazing to work at MAC.
Seriously you will learn so much and plus if you love the product and love makeup it will be an amazing experience.


Well-known member
first of all...u need a hug

i know how hard is it when it comes to making this kind of decisions. really sucks.
And I agree with Emilith. if you are still not tied down by all sorts of responsibility (eg. kids), then you should give it a shot. if it doesn't work out, then just leave. at least 5 years later, you can look back and say 'oh well, i gave it a try already'. so, no regrets. right?
smiles.gif'll be a great experience. I'll love it if someone would offer me that at my counter.


Well-known member

I agree, if you can't work 50 hours workweeks when young, when can you? Lots of people work more than 40 hours to get things they love, you know? Give it a shot. You can always quit.


Well-known member
This is tough. I can understand both ends. I actually do work a full time 40 hours job and work 10 hours a week at MAC. So I know how tough 50 hours are. And I won't lie, there are weeks where I am exhausted. Should you apply and be hired, make sure to have one day off from both jobs where you don't work at all. Your sanity will thank you.

And to put your mind at ease. Retail experience is helpful, but we all started a retail job without experience at some point. It will come to you in time. And your manager will help you with all that as well.

Another option to be considered if you are worried about working too much would be inquiring about the freelance team. That way you'd have more say in when you choose to work more than your usual 40.

MAC is a lot of fun and it is a good company. As the manager said, the discount is fabulous and you are always learning new tricks from each other and your trainers. Good luck with your decision.


Oh, you guys are so sweet. Thanks so much for all of your opinions.
I'll be sure to let you all know what I decide...even if it'll probably be a while yet.

Originally Posted by Emilith
You don't have to give up the boring desk job do you? Only see if you can last with the desk job AND the MAC job?

No, I don't need to leave my desk job. So if this doesn't work out, at least I'm not out a job completely. The only think that worries me is that I'd have to take a week off my regular job to go to Basic. That could get sticky.

Originally Posted by caramel_geek
first of all...u need a hug

i know how hard is it when it comes to making this kind of decisions. really sucks.
And I agree with Emilith. if you are still not tied down by all sorts of responsibility (eg. kids), then you should give it a shot. if it doesn't work out, then just leave. at least 5 years later, you can look back and say 'oh well, i gave it a try already'. so, no regrets. right?
smiles.gif'll be a great experience. I'll love it if someone would offer me that at my counter.

Aww, thanks!
That's right, I can always leave. Let some other lucky person have the job.
And my only "responsibilities" are my DH and dog...and the gas and maintenance on my car if I end up doing all that driving. At least gas is down to $2.39!

Originally Posted by Chrystia
This is tough. I can understand both ends. I actually do work a full time 40 hours job and work 10 hours a week at MAC. So I know how tough 50 hours are. And I won't lie, there are weeks where I am exhausted. Should you apply and be hired, make sure to have one day off from both jobs where you don't work at all. Your sanity will thank you.

Another option to be considered if you are worried about working too much would be inquiring about the freelance team. That way you'd have more say in when you choose to work more than your usual 40.

Oh man. You'd know more than anyone, wouldn't you? I don't know if I'd be able to swing Sundays off completely, which means I'd be working every day, and I know already that is going to be rough. And what if I'm planning to go visit my family? I don't know what kind of guidelines they have with needing a day or two off, especially as I would be part time. How does that work out for you?

Freelancing is also an option, but not right now. Since this is the only counter for at least a hundred miles around, there is no freelance team. They may be putting one together down the line. (See? Told you this was definitely a start-up!


Well-known member
Hi, I was just wondering if you ever applied? I'm kind of in the same boat... but my current day job is not beauty related at all. What did you end up doing?