At Home Hair Treatments


Well-known member
Hey guys,

It's been a long time since I've posted on Specktra, but I was wondering, how many of you make your own at home hair care treatments? I've been doing hot oil treatments at home using Coconut Oil. I'm thinking into venturing into other types of oil, but I've also been thinking about adding fruit for scent.

I'm going to try guava, which seems to have good reports all around, but I'm also wondering about Papaya and Dragon Fruit. It seems like these guys have mixed reviews. Some people use them to prevent facial hair growth as they supposedly damage the hair follicle, and others seems to use Papaya for the nutrients that it gives to hair.
Does anyone have at home hair recipes?


Well-known member
oh wow! i have never thought about making my own! this sounds awesome! please share your recipies guys because i would love to try some out too!


Well-known member
I do a deep moisture treatment from LHC (SMT for anyone who is a member there). It's 4 parts conditioner, 1 part honey, and 1 part aloe vera gel. I also use a conditioning butter from the LHC (Fox's Shea Butter Conditioning Cream). Two parts shea butter, one part coconut oil, two parts conditioner, one part aloe vera gel, and what ever essential oils I feel like when I'm making it.


Well-known member
oh gee! there are loads of goodies you can use. Some things I use are
Greek plain Yogurt mixed with 3tbs extra virgin olive oil, 1tbl spn of honey
extra virgin olive oil
grapeseed oil
jojoba oil
1egg yolk, 1tbl spn mayonnaise, 3tbs olive oil ( this is a good protein treatment)
avocado oil
very ripe avocado, very ripe banana, your favorite conditioner, 1tbl spn of honey (good for processed,dry hair) whip the goodies in a blender till creamy. get the fruits ripe so you avoid bits of fruit in your hair. I hope this helps you ladies