aw this makes me so sad!


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Vinyl Vapour

Well-known member
Is that real? If it is, poor things i hope they can breathe somehow! And some cruel people are probably laughing at them too.


Well-known member
yes its real, i read more info about it and they die after birth


Well-known member
I'm one of the cruel ones for laughing. Not at their situation, but at the fact that they look like monsters. Sure it's sad that they didn't live, but the way they look doesn't make me sad, it makes me think of a circus.

Abnormalities like that occur in animals often, especially inbred animals. The two-headed cow baby, and other things. It happens every day. (to people, too, unfortunately)


Well-known member
on a side note, it's too bad that they didn't live, because i think it'd be really cool to have a cyclops kitty. he'd kick all the other kitty's asses


Well-known member
AAaw. That makes me really sad. I wonder if there was a reason or if it was just a random defect? That's like those people who sold dog food with corn in it that was poisoned. 100 or so dogs died. It was really sad. **Hugs my 2 doggies**


Well-known member
One of my friends still has a preserved baby rabbit with one eye. Pretty freaky to see in person. It's like genetic defects/mutations. Cant say if it's from line breeding (aka "inbreeding") or not, but yeah. Freakishly interesting.


Well-known member
Yeah its creepy and sad, but i guess its just a random defect because I read about the first one and they said the other brothers and sisters look normal except for that one. But Its so weird though, poor babies.