Backstreet Boys Concert 23-02-08!!!


Well-known member
I wasn't very excited when I got to the concert arena but when the people started cheering in the arena, I got all excited. Then the excitement sort of died when it was only the opening act by Bryan McFadden. After he finished singing and we had the intermission, I wasn't that excited again BUT when the lights dimmed again, that excitement just got me jumping out of my seat and OMG.

*I'm still a boyband fanatic at heart!!*

Backstreet Boys have turned into such DELICIOUS MEN!! HAHAHAA Too bad it only lasted 1.5 hrs but there were also solo performances by the guys. "Saved the best for last", said the guys. Brian's the BEST with his solo. Brian and Nick are deeeeeeelicious! I'd say it was a FREAKING FANTASTIC CONCERT! XD

Unfortunately I wasn't sitting too close to the stage and my camera is NOT GOOD but at least I got pics! Thank gawd for the screen above in the concert!

ps: Kevin is missing.







Left to right: Nick lying down, AJ and Brian sitting down while Howie stands...


Active member
Oh my! I remember when I used to drool over the Backstreet Boys as a teenager, especially Nick Carter. Boyishly cute --> awkward phase --> Much better! Thanks for the pictures.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
haha cool. I used to love them. esp. aj

I knew something about his grandmother's death that led him to alcohol but I didn't know he was already into alcohol and cocaine before that! :/ At least he's clean now. The video of him with Oprah Winfrey made me all teary because the other members of the Backstreet Boys surprised him at the studio and showing their support.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

There's also an unreleased version song called Lift Me Up. Very catchy and... uplifting song. Can't FIND IT!!!

Ahhh.. still


Well-known member
bsb were my fav band i still have all their pictures and posters in my old closet and my school folders lol..