Bad Customers!


Active member
Ok. I've been reading lots about poor service people have had MAC. I'm a MAC MA and I am happy to help people and I have a lot of fun hanging out and helping people understand makeup/colour theory/applicaion and I know customers have a lot of fun shopping with me. (Customers write in to head office all the time and say that they've have a great experience with me/with my co-workers/at my counter).
For the record, MAC MA's have to put up with a LOT of crap from customers. It's retail, it's part of the job. Sometimes you feel like there's a sign up in front that says "Crazy People, Come On In!!" I just wanted to start a thread so MA's can have a place to vent, too.
Here's a pet peeves of mine
1. At my counter there's a comitment to purchase of $40 for a makeup application. I HATE when customers come, have they're makeup done for a wedding, grad, etc. and then bring it all back for a refund the next day. We have to throw the product in the garbage! What a waste of make-up and what a waste of the MA's time that went into doing the customers makeup!


Well-known member
i am not a ma, nor do i work in customer service BUT it really bugs me when i read posts about a member complaining about a mac artist not know their stuff, especially when the facts they know are soooo trivial.

nobody likes a know-it-all!


Well-known member
I know what you mean...I'm not an MA or anything, but I've seen some pretty testy customers when I'm at the MAC counter. I've had customers push themselves in front of me because I'm a shy, little 17 year old girl and then start talking to the MA's like they are beneath them. I'm sure that it gets a lot worse than that too! And it never fails that people will be the most rude to the nicest employees because those are the ones who won't just tell them to step off!


Well-known member
Definitely not something fun to deal with as a manager.
This is similar of complaints that people would bring to me as a manager of a bridal store, "She doesn't know anything about Maggie Sottero's line, and I waaaaaaaaaant it!!"


*blank look*

We don't sell Soterro, sorry.

BLAHBLAHBLAH customer rant.

Quickest way in the world to a) lose credibility in your complaint and b) NOT receive friendly treatment later.


Well-known member
Ok, I am an MA, not for MAC, but I have been in retail for years so I completely understand. Yeah, we got some wack jobs out there who just argue with you about everything so they can feel better about themselves. They'll be like, "I read in a magazine in 1982 that yellow (or whatever color) is ugly on me so no golds or anything goldy or has gold in the name." and you wanna be like, "Ok, first of all this ain't Color Me Beautiful and second off I understand if you hate yellow (or whatever color) but step out of the box and try something new besides what some so called expert told you in 1982!". I guess that's one of my pet peeves. Or someone will say "Do whatever you want to me, what you think looks good." and you try and then they say, "I don't like it because I only wear brown (or whatever)" and I am like "Ok, tell me what you do like." and they go "I dunno you're the expert, you tell me." UGHHHHHHHHHHH, I am not a freakin mind reader! I can give suggestions and do what I think, but ultimitely if the customer doesn't like a color or look it don't matter if I love it, they're the ones that are wearing it. Sorry to rant but I just got off work..ha ha


Well-known member
I'm not a makeup aritist or work at a cosmetics counter/store, but I've seen a lot of bad customers at cosmetics counters/stores during my visit there. And no matter how RUDE the CUSTOMERS are, the MAs and BAs there are always treating them politely and sometimes as if the customers are such gems. Your post has made me think..."what if you stopped accepting ANY returns especially the ones that have been opened already?" It made me think like those customers are buying the cosmetics from you 'to return them'. I'm not from the US, but lived there for several years and I was sooo surprised that you accept returns cosmetics products that have even been used/tested there! I really feel they should change their return/exchange policy&rules in the near future. Unless customers are not allowed to try/test cosmetics at stores.


Well-known member
It happens in all customer service industries, particularly the restaurant industry and I hate it. I interact with the staff as equals (why shouldn't I?) and I usually get great service. I now have many people who I know who work in, manage or own restaurants who I am on first name terms with and I count them as my friends. I'll take them to restaurants they don't know on their nights off and introduce them to each other's restaurants.

The restaurant I go to most frequently, Sarkhel's, has won numerous awards for its food and service is always highly rated in reviews. It's an authentic Indian restaurant and the chef/owner, Mr. Sarkhel, has cooked for heads of state, royalty and numerous celebrities.

He had a large party of sixteen people in one evening, none of them recognised by staff so they must have come solely due to the restaurant's excellent reputation. The group was hosted by an Indian man who wanted everyone to know how wealthy and powerful he was. It was his night of theatre.

He treated the serving staff as dirt shouting at them and putting them down all the time even though they were doing nothing wrong. He was just demonstrating to his guests that he was in charge. In fact, if I recall correctly, he'd even told his guests that he "knew the owner" just to try to impress them. The staff kept acting professionally but after a while it all got too much so they complained to the owner.

Mr. Sarkhel went up to the diner and politely said "Sir, I think you'd find that you would get much better service from the staff if you showed them a little respect". The customer just mumbled and as Mr. Sarkhel walked away from the table he exclaimed loudly (so the whole restaurant could hear) "Who the hell does he think he is?". A diner on another table shouted "That's Mr. Sarkhel, the owner".

I hear that things went extremely quiet on the table after that as the man had been made to look foolish in front of all his guests.

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
It always makes me really sad when people are rude to the MA's, or anyone else in retial or anything like that. Just like, one time I went in and my favorite MA had been having a bad day, and people were rude and everything, and he just said how like, seeing me made the day not as bad and he'd been having a bad day, and like, at the counter i go to they get a lot of really rude people and the girls that work there are some of the nicest people I have ever been around and it makes me really sad to see people treating them like crap when they work so hard at their job.


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AMEN to this thread

i never really realized just how trivial makeup is in general! i know i am a big fan of mac and before i started working for them i was all up on what was gonna come out and i knew all the names and everything. now after working there its just not a priority of mine to memorize the names of things coming out in a launch a month from now. on top of that so many things are LE and come out back to back that its near impossible to memorize everything!!!

my pet peeves with customers are the following...

i HATE when people ask me what colors would be good on their skin. no matter eyeshadow, lips, cheeks, IT DOESNT MATTER! its what YOU feel comfortable wearing. anyone can wear anything its just a matter of personal preference.

i HATE when people come in almost every other day just to get their makeup done and not buy a thing EVER. and then complain when their artist isnt there to do it... its like they literally USE us. i dont like when customers dont want to learn, they just want to get free makeup done for "going out"

or one time, this lady came in and was like "ya i want to try some makeup" im like okay, and i ask her what she wants to try... and she says "i dont know" so i ask her if she wants face makeup and she nods and so then i ask her what kind of coverage she wants and what type of texture... and shes like "i dont know" and im like well what kind of skin do you have and she says "i dont know" and im like I CANT HELP U IF U CANT TELL ME THESE THINGS. and shes like "well you're the expert you tell me" im like WTF. so i got another girl to help her because she was frusterating me and i have no patience for people like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lah_knee
AMEN to this thread

or one time, this lady came in and was like "ya i want to try some makeup" im like okay, and i ask her what she wants to try... and she says "i dont know" so i ask her if she wants face makeup and she nods and so then i ask her what kind of coverage she wants and what type of texture... and shes like "i dont know" and im like well what kind of skin do you have and she says "i dont know" and im like I CANT HELP U IF U CANT TELL ME THESE THINGS. and shes like "well you're the expert you tell me" im like WTF. so i got another girl to help her because she was frusterating me and i have no patience for people like that.

That's EXACTlY what I meant with my post! It's like, sometimes there are people who just genuinely don't know anything but some people just test you.
Or here's another one, people who go, "I want a pink lippie" and you show them 10 different pinks and they hate them all and then they grab a dark brown and go, "I like this one" and act like you are stupid for not knowing pink=dark brown in their color scheme.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ledonatella
That's EXACTlY what I meant with my post! It's like, sometimes there are people who just genuinely don't know anything but some people just test you.
Or here's another one, people who go, "I want a pink lippie" and you show them 10 different pinks and they hate them all and then they grab a dark brown and go, "I like this one" and act like you are stupid for not knowing pink=dark brown in their color scheme.

I freaking hate that like, "Im looking for a red" Im like okay what kind of red? "Like a bright red." Like RUby Woo? Russian Red?

NO like Cyber. Hi...Cyber isnt red.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lah_knee
AMEN to this thread

i HATE when people ask me what colors would be good on their skin. no matter eyeshadow, lips, cheeks, IT DOESNT MATTER! its what YOU feel comfortable wearing. anyone can wear anything its just a matter of personal preference.

sorry but i don't agree with u on this point. Many people do not know what colours they are suited for...hence they need some advice from MAs who are more knowledeable of skin tones and colours. And that's part of what the MA's job provide advice on colours that suits the individual.

I disagree that all colours suit everyone...certain colours just make people with certain skin tones look wash out. As an MA, your job is to help the customer to choose the make up that is best suited for her skin. And u gotta admit it...not everyone is comfortable with experimentation of make up colours...And i don't think the customer is being rude in asking what colours they are suited for. There are just too many colours at the M.A.C counter that they are overwhelmed and hence need someone to guide them.

Anyway, in all takes both hands to clap ...
rude customer leads to bad service...gotta admit that. Some people just want to find fault. and these people deserve bad service..especially when they think they have the $$$ to throw around.

Know it alls can be irritating as well's like the customer is trying to prove to the MA that they know more than the MA. dohz...If they want to do so, go and become a MA themselves!

Anyway, in Singapore M.A.C doesn't allow us to exchange USED products (even if it's for 1 time only) unless we are allergic to it.....

aCTually it's the customer's responsbility to try out the colour before buying and not exchanging it when they don't like it. Hey...if u don't like it ...why did u buy it in the first place...-.- can always try the colour out first at the store....It's just a waste of product....M.A.C throws them away....

or u can just swap it off at ebay...think of all those items still in good condition (used 1-2 x) and being thrown away...tsk...i rather they give me those items.....haha


Well-known member
God, it's just like doing hair...people always come in and say 'what do you think or do what you want (this WILL backfire a LOT, even with very careful pre-consultation)?', 'I want it shorter' (no shit), 'How would I look with bangs', etc...when the best look for some is truly a paper bag! It's not up to me to tell someone how they should/will look, crap. I do hair f/t and MU occasionally for events and I most enjoy the MU though I love doing hair, it's just the absolute ignorance and the way that sooo many people talk down to 'service workers' once they enter the salon that gets to me.

It's so wonderful when you get a gem that you can really work with.


Well-known member
One of my favourite MAs (who just quitted..i think she quitted due to the MAC management...she just hinted it was because of the management...) was really nice. If the colour didn't suit me, she'll tell me not to buy even though i was interested in it..

When i asked her what shadows i should get (i gave her my list of MAC eyeshadows i had in my collection) she immediately said that i've too many bright colours and that i needed more neutrals. She recommended me All that glitters, sable and paradisco (ok..this is not really a neutral..but still this is a beautiful shade)...tried it and bought it. And i love these shadows to the core. Lalala..what an angel. But she quitted M.A.C...

I find it a delight to meet MAs who teach u how to use the product and are honest with their comments (not just pushing u to buy to meet the sales target). 2 of my favourite MAs has quitted M.A.C and i've learnt a lot about makeup techniques from both of's because of this i'm able to make better use of what i have in my collection.

Ha..before i met the my 1st fav MA from MAC, i only wore one colour eyeshadow on my lids...but after buying MAC, i started to wear more colours on my eyes. Thanks to the kind MA who helped me so much even though i was a makeup newbie then. i was converted into a MAC fan then because i was impressed by his service. But sadly to say he i found another nice MA...but she quitted recently..sighs!

And another of my favourite MA is quitting again...grr..why are my favourite MAs always quitting..

by the way..this is a bit's the welfare sys for U MAC MAs out seems that many of the MAs i know here quitted..because of problems with the management, sales target too high (one of them told me they keep raising the target -.- and she couldn't handle the stress already), commission low (another said that he felt overworked for the little commission he was getting)...So is M.A.C welfare sys for the employees that bad that so many of my Fav MAs are quitting?


Well-known member
One of my bigger pet peeves is when someone comes into the store wanting new colors or a new lip etc and when I ask them what types of shades are they looking for, then they say the doozie... "You tell me, you're the expert/makeup artist..."

Umm...yeah but there are colors you HATE and colors you LOVE and even though it goes with your skin and looks fabulous on you, if you hate that type of shade, you'll hate the color!! WORK with me dude...


Well-known member
i completely agree with most of this stuff.
working for an EL company, i have seen so much BS...aside from having really strict sales goals (and yes, i realized this when applying), those annoying people who buy like a freakin pencil sharpener (ONLY) drive me fricking nuts.
i hate how pathetic some people can be. like, "oh... put this on me, I never learned how to line my lips", when they come in wearing it. hmm, ok? and expect damn near perfection and like lah_knee said, "what colors would look best on me?". seriously, even if i do suggest something i think would look great, 9 times out of 10, they're not gonna like it anyway. or they'll return it, and there goes my AUS.
know-it-alls drive me crazy as well. sorry, but this is my job for a reason. if you know so much then f*in apply, or don't ask for MY opinion if you're not gonna like hearing it. hate to say this, but usually it's the most frumpy people that act like they know every product we've ever sold, and i always think to myself, "geez, for someone so in the know about a beauty line, i would think you would actually head the knowledge and have something to show for it"
*ok. vent. breathe.*
i love my job, i do. but those few people who come in with an attitude, man i just question why they even bother shopping with us if they're so damn unhappy with the company.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
I freaking hate that like, "Im looking for a red" Im like okay what kind of red? "Like a bright red." Like RUby Woo? Russian Red?

NO like Cyber. Hi...Cyber isnt red.

**Standing ovation!!**


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wildesigns
God, it's just like doing hair...people always come in and say 'what do you think or do what you want (this WILL backfire a LOT, even with very careful pre-consultation)?', 'I want it shorter' (no shit), 'How would I look with bangs', etc...when the best look for some is truly a paper bag! It's not up to me to tell someone how they should/will look, crap. I do hair f/t and MU occasionally for events and I most enjoy the MU though I love doing hair, it's just the absolute ignorance and the way that sooo many people talk down to 'service workers' once they enter the salon that gets to me.

It's so wonderful when you get a gem that you can really work with.

Okay, not to press it, but the tone in this post is sounding an awful lot like some of the same heinous, insulting posts about "MAs who don't know anything" type threads. I'm sure sometimes we customers do drive some of you up the wall with our lack of knowledge. This is precisely why we are coming to you in the first place. I don't come into a store/salon expecting the MA/stylist to just fix me up without me giving her any input, but I do expect some help and advice after giving my input. If you artists weren't so darn knowledgeable after all, I'd be down at the drugstore buying myself some blue eye shadow and orange lipstick for gosh sakes.

So while I understand the need to vent, can we please not lump all of us clueless customers as evil personified? Most of us come in asking a lot of questions, because we truly are unsure about a product or a look we wish to achieve and we really value your input and rely on your experience.