Basic Training Graduation


Active member
Since my sister is being internet stalked by a really immature useless woman, I had to delete this post.


Well-known member
Welcome! When you say "basic training" - is this a military function?
Is it you who is graduating or are you the date?

Is there a MAC counter near you? If you're really super nervous you could book an appointment (at the dep't stores the $45 "fee" is actually a minimum purchase... so it's redeemable in MAC makeup... very good deal...)

Is there also a pic you can post?
it helps if we can see what you look like.


Well-known member
Yeah - we need clarification. When my (now ex) boyfriend finished basic in TX, there was no point for me to wear makeup b/c I was bawling.


Well-known member
I would be inclined to tell you to go very natural/neutral.

Maybe try to use a neutral soft pink from lashline to crease- a good pink would be: MAC Girlie, Bobbi Brown Nars Fathom, Nars Nymphea- really your just looking for a soft pink.

Then I would use a white eyeshadow - or if you have MAC Vanilla pigment I would use that on your browbone

and a grey eyeliner that you can smudge on the top lashline.

Use black waterproof mascara and whatever lipstick you wore in your picture above.

I think that would probably be your best bet.


Well-known member
How cute are you?? Yeah, what Hawkeye said... neutral.
I'd tend to go a little shiny though b/c it's for a special occasion... nice little smudge top and bottom of Teddy liner (shimmery chocolate brown) with Naked Lunch (shimmery pale beige pink) all over and twinks or mulch (shimmery deep browns) lightly in your crease.... beige glossy lips.