Bathroom Etiquette


Well-known member
I posted this in deep thoughts because some maybe not find this a tasteful topic.....

I can't do #2 in public, not if I can help it. I am mean because I don't want anyone else too either. But no one listens to me

If I have no way out if it then I do what is the Courtesy Flush and learned this from my mother. And I am just appalled when I notice others not doing it in public.

Courtesy Flush-flushing immediately everytime a movement is released to swish away smells before they can rise and linger over into the next stall. Because sometimes its a minute or two before you have some more movement.

I was in the bathroom at work today going pee and the lady next to me had came in rushing and I could tell she was 2'ing. SO I wait for her to flush and she doesn't. She remains there still sitting with shit in the bowl. How can she just let the smell funk up the place? Granted there were no sounds to gross me out but ew. I am very very particular about public restrooms. And I rather you hear me flush 95 times that have you smell my fecal matter.

One other thing-If we are in a 10 stall bathroom and I am the only ones in there. Don't take a stall immediately next to me. I don't. I take one where there is no one close by if I can help.

I know everyone can't be like me but I wish...,...


Well-known member
I can't listen too people do number 2 cuz i laugh lol's hard for me ..and yes smelling any shit other than your own is horrible ..and well smelling your own pretty much sucks too..courtesy flush for the win !

but also as far as stalls go ..I almost always go for the very first stall ..I saw on one of those what you dont see know shows ..that it was tested in many stalls that the first stall has the least bacteria nastiness ..because more people avoid it. So i make it a point to use the first stall.


Well-known member
Seriously CaraAmericana....SAME THINGS!!

-I agree, do a courtesy flush. Ugh. I try not to #2 in public too.....and I hate doing it at home if there are guests. I know we all do it but still......the funk.

Same with the stall positioning. If there were say 5 stalls, people I've found normally would occupy the first, middle, and last stalls leaving one in between for leeway. But then there'd be someone who'd go right beside you when there's no one else. Jeez!

You had me laughing b/c this is what I thought the title was going to be about. Things you think about but normally don't verbalize but there are people who are DEFINITELY feeling the same! I also hate when someone follows you into the bathroom and is talking to you. Its like what if I have something else to do? maybe I don't want ppl hearing me fish into my purse. Heaven forbid if I'm not feeling well? AWKWARD!!!

And to add--I never learned the courtesy flush thing from my mom. In fact she gets angry (well at pretty much anything but thats another issue) when people do a courtesy flush--she thinks its like well duh, we are all in the bathroom taking care of business. Sometimes I wonder about her....


Well-known member
Girlie...I love you. I think you are my twin. I feel the SAME WAY!!!!!! It's very rare that I will do it anywhere else other then at home. I can't do #2 if someone else is in the restroom with me, and always do courtesy FLUSHES. I understand it's the bathroom, and that's what you are supposed to do, but some people have no consideration for others. Here we go:
1. Letting the rank smell permeate the air (no courtesy flushes)
2. Grunting, groaning, and making disgusting sounds as you relieve yourself. Are those really necessary?
3. Not flushing can you possibly forget?
4. Flushing, but still leaving "floaters." One more flush will not kill anyone.
5. And of course people who don't wash their hands...that's gross period!!


Well-known member
jeez no kidding, I cannot believe I forgot to touch on the not washing of hands. YUCK! I'll admit, if I'm approaching the sink and she is heading for the door without washing I will give a grossed out look. And use the paper towel to dry my hands and not touch the damn door. gross gross gross.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Don't flush pads down the toilet

If you clog the toilet, don't be an asshole. Inform someone

Don't have a conversation with me while I'm doing my business. I'm in there for one or two reasons and neither is to talk to you.

Don't leave the water running and don't leave the sink area a mess with stuff.


Well-known member
i cant go #2 at someone else's house, Or in public, if i am staying with someone, I wait until i have a chance to take a shower, That way I can go before I take a shower, then there is no smells lingering since the steam and the scents of the soaps and shampoos take it away.


Well-known member
OMG, Cara! You had me cracking up with that post! I cannot do #2s other than at home. BUT I used to work at a grocery store and at least 3 times I had to open the cash office at 6am (the shitting hour for me) and I had diarrhea. I think it was the store's coffee doing it to me. Luckily, the restrooms were always clean in the morning and we always had an older lady who worked and carried Immodium AD. But, God, just thinking of one of those mornings, raw ass and counting cash all day.....not a good feeling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
5. And of course people who don't wash their hands...that's gross period!!

Oh yes...I was really surprised by how many people do this. Especially the attorneys that come to our office. Disgusting. I don't care if you just went pee or whatever your excuse is. If you go into the stall and touch anything in there, you NEED to wash your hands.

Then they try to come and give me paperwork and I'm thinking ummm...I do not want to touch that lol.


Well-known member
I did not move my bowels for the first five weeks in the ARMY. Then after that I could only do it in the middle of the night if I was on guard duty or something.


Well-known member
i think courtesy flushes are wasteful of water - purely because the state i live in is in a drought. we're on water restrictions at the moment. unless that's recycled water being used to flush - what a waste!

i can understand not wanting to have to smell anyone else's bum gas, but having an air freshener spray in the bathroom tends to work just fine, assuming people use it. i have these at home, and my work supplies them in the toilet cubicles as well.

i can't abide people who do not flush public loos after using them, or after getting into one and finding that it doesn't flush, not teling the next person waiting. i also think its gross when people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.


Well-known member
Whats worse, Ive seen it where someone numbers two, and then DOESNT FLUSH AT ALL!! like they walk out like that. gross.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Whats worse, Ive seen it where someone numbers two, and then DOESNT FLUSH AT ALL!! like they walk out like that. gross.

eeeew EXACTLEY! then you walk into the cubicle and all you see is eeeeeeeeeeeewwww GROSSSS!!!

How can you forget to flush the toilet!!


Well-known member
I cannot stand public toilets but unfortunately when you gotta go, you just gotta go! Just hold your breath and hope for the best. I have to agree with redambition. We are running out of water here and the thought of wasting it on a courtesy flush, makes me feel awful. The worst toilets I find are mainly at nightclubs, and train stations. They are always so filthy!! These are the things about them that piss me off the most:

1. Stuffing the toilet with toilet paper because you can't work out how the auto-flush works.... Way to clog the toilet moron.
2. Pads/Tampons left wrapped in toilet paper and placed *on top* of the sanitary bin... The bin is there for a reason!
3. Drops of urine or blood or poo left on the toilet seat. Sure they flushed the toilet but they left plenty of nasty DNA behind...!
4. When you walk in to the toilet and the seat is down... You just *know* this is bad news. You don't want to see what ever is in there
5. At nightclubs when there is a queue out the door and the stalls are full up and at least one of them contains 2+ people doing coke and what ever other drugs they have...!! This drives me crazy because they sit in there talking, laughing etc when you gotta go!

So.... annoying!



Well-known member
I don't go number 2 in public. I remember in school like 2 years ago I did, and I was the only one in there so I just left fast before anyone knew it was me lol.

Anyways, i don't courtesy flush, because whenever I poo its at home. And I take a long time in the bathroom too. I don't know why. I used to read, but now its like I just sit. LOL! Anyways I'll probably start courtesy flushing when I move in with my boyfriend. He takes like 5 minutes when he goes number 2 (way less time than me) and his don't smell God awful either.

I have way worse pet peeves than not courtesy flushing.
  • Why does my stepdad's mom go number 2 like 5 times a day? She uses this disgusting air freshener (it smells so bad and gets caught in your mouth).
  • I absolutely hate when the toilet seat is left up. Every male in my house does this. My boyfriend has been pretty good about it lately though. HOW HARD IS IT TO PUT THE SEAT DOWN??
  • My boyfriend would go to the bathroom when he was half asleep and not bother to lift the seat up. Which resulted in me sitting on peeeeeeee droplets
    Kill me now, please. So then I began checking the seat everytime, and since then he's been really good about it.
  • one of our bathrooms at home, does someone use it, and gets the whole thing messy? When you lift up the seat in our bathroom, there seriously looks like melted hershey kisses like, stuck to the top of the bowl (where the water doesn't hit) It looks disgusting. I don't even know how poop gets up there.
  • How does poop get onto the actual seat (where you put your butt)? How does that happen. Do you wipe the paper onto the seat? Disgusting. If I ever get ANYTHING on the seat, I whip out a disinfecting wipe and clean the seat. Common sense.
  • We were out of soap in the bathroom for like 5 days. I thought we just didn't have any. Turns out everybody was too lazy to just find the damn soap and fill it up again. Thats NASTY!
I'll be back with more later


Well-known member
I agree with everyone!

I don't courtesy flush at home only in public. At my boyfriends I will crack a window lol. He does it too. It is wasteful on water, I agree, so I guess if you are in a place with a water restriction or ration then it changes. I do try to consciously to conserve water in other ways. =)

I do have one more gripe, it's good you cover the seat with TP to protect your hiney, but don't walk away from it without removing it from the seat!!!

You girls are great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
I did not move my bowels for the first five weeks in the ARMY. Then after that I could only do it in the middle of the night if I was on guard duty or something.

My girlfriend did this on her honeymoon. She did not '2' for 6 days! She was in pain!!! but 5 weeks! Kuippo you get the Medal. lol


Well-known member
When I go into a bathroom, I'm not surprised if it smells like shit... That's what happens in bathrooms. And so what if you have to smell something gross for a few minutes? It's not like your entire work day or whatever is spent in the toilet. I'm not going to courtesy flush and waste water just so whoever is around me can save themselves the potential few minutes of an unpleasant smell. Sorry if that offends you, but I'm not going to do it.


Well-known member
i can understand not wanting to have to smell anyone else's bum gas, but having an air freshener spray in the bathroom tends to work just fine, assuming people use it. i have these at home, and my work supplies them in the toilet cubicles as well.

At my last job, people would steal the air fresheners. That didn't work at all

3. Drops of urine or blood or poo left on the toilet seat. Sure they flushed the toilet but they left plenty of nasty DNA behind...!

That's a good one I forgot! Or pubic hair.......gross!

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