Beautiful Skin Pill


Well-known member
There is this girl in one of my classes that has the most gorgeously clear, soft complexion. Totally even-toned, too! She barely ever wears makeup. I finally asked her what products she uses and she doesn't use anything fancy, but she DOES take a PILL!! She said she got it at some health food store...the pill is called, from what i can remember, "Beautiful Skin". She says it's not very $20 bucks a pop. Does anyone know anything about it!?


Well-known member
Dont know anything about THAT Pill..but I know THE PILL (lol..birth control) did wonders for my skin after I started taking it!!


Well-known member
That pill definitly wont be the reason that girl has nice skin. Genes, skin type, diet and cleansing regime will all play greater factors.

If that pill really did make peoples skin flawless then we wouldnt have a million $/£ industry specialising in problematic skin care solutions. I think anybody with bad skin would much rather pay $20 for a pill, than $200 for a few peels


Well-known member
I have heard of Genuine Health's product called "Perfect Skin" - Genuine Health - Home

Effectively, it's the vitamins that work well with your skin (like Omega-3 and etc). I know that a bottle of this stuff is about $30 CAD. Not totally sure if it's effective, though.


Well-known member
Reminds me of the "Hair, Skin, and Nails" pills. I've naturally been blessed with really decent skin... I def agree that lifestyle plays a part - exercise, water intake, hygiene, etc.


Well-known member
If you want something from inside, I'd suggest eat green Olives, instead of taking pills. The more natural the better for the skin.

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