Beauty of Color on Twitter/Blogs


Active member
Oh hey, I was just talking about how I would like more beauty on my twitter! I'll add you guys back when I get the request :-D twitter name-@thatssojessy


Well-known member
I just started a blog the beginning of this month. Its in my sig. Im nc44-45. I will sign into my comp later and add all of u :)
GREAT idea! I'm ALWAYS looking for sites that show people with skin similar to mine so I can get some ideas of things that will actually WORK for me, LOL. I just got started in the beauty blogging/tweeting thing myself because I was exhausted from looking for blogs that had what I needed. I can't wait to join this new "network":)





Well-known member
Loving this thread. As a Middle Eastern woman with dark features so I love checking out blogs from other WOC that I can relate to. I recently started a beauty/style/lifestyle blog and have been on twitter for a while. My camera just broke :( but when I figure out what new camera to purchase (it's so confusing) I hope to start doing a lot more FOTD posts.

I love to take inspiration from my Middle Eastern culture into my beauty and style sense. I mean what Middle Eastern girl isn't obsessed with black eye khol? haha

Blog - Bedou Diaries
Twitter - @MissAmanne


Well-known member
WOW, this is so cool! I am going to have to go through this and subscribe to everyone. My links are in my Signature. I hope that you all follow back when I add!