Because I'm pretty sure my date just flaked FOTD


Well-known member
Well, it's been said a million times before, but yeah, who needs him?

And I agree that Angel lipstick is super hot on you, I'm just not sure about the Angel and Coppering pairing. I feel like the warm red tones on the eyes clashes with the cool pink on the lips. Something nude would have been hot (like Creme de Nude), or even a coral/pink with warmer undertones probably would have complimented the eyeshadow a little better. Not to mention the fact that corals and warm pinks make that tan even sexier (if possible hehe).


Well-known member
You're so hot!! Really nice job! I really adore what you did on your eyes!!!

I'm not sorry for your date since a man who does that to a gorgeous lady like you it's not worthy of your time or thoughts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Amaranth
Well, it's been said a million times before, but yeah, who needs him?

And I agree that Angel lipstick is super hot on you, I'm just not sure about the Angel and Coppering pairing. I feel like the warm red tones on the eyes clashes with the cool pink on the lips. Something nude would have been hot (like Creme de Nude), or even a coral/pink with warmer undertones probably would have complimented the eyeshadow a little better. Not to mention the fact that corals and warm pinks make that tan even sexier (if possible hehe).

Thanks for the imput girl! i'll have to get creme de nude


Well-known member
^ boys ARE stupid and gross. nice look, love the blonde hair. i am thinking of going blonde again or red.. i dyed my hair back to brown months ago... not sure what to do now lol