Becca Cosmetics


Well-known member
Hah I ordered as soon as I saw their back in stock email! Are their highlighters pretty amazing??
Never tried em. This will be my first, but i also have Moonstone and Opal in my cart from another site. Gonna order em this week!


Well-known member
Never tried em. This will be my first, but i also have Moonstone and Opal in my cart from another site. Gonna order em this week!
Moonstone is :love: but they are extremely pigmented. You can go overboard. A little tap is all it takes. Hope you love them!!


Active member
I actually use the Rose gold as more of a blush. I use like a peachy shade of blush that's matte and then use a little of that on top. Its great!!
Would you find this to shimmery to use as a full on blush? I was hesitant to purchase as I didn't want to run the risk of an overly pink blush type product that aS just way to shimmery and better suited as a highlight :/


Well-known member
Would you find this to shimmery to use as a full on blush? I was hesitant to purchase as I didn't want to run the risk of an overly pink blush type product that aS just way to shimmery and better suited as a highlight :/
I've never tried it by itself. I think it could work, but its not my personal style. Lately I've been using Douceur from NARS and using a real techniques duo fibre brush (the white ones that are flat) and lightly dusty Rose Gold over top.


Well-known member
I've never tried it by itself. I think it could work, but its not my personal style. Lately I've been using Douceur from NARS and using a real techniques duo fibre brush (the white ones that are flat) and lightly dusty Rose Gold over top.
I'm going to try that! Sounds like a nice combo.


Active member
I've never tried it by itself. I think it could work, but its not my personal style. Lately I've been using Douceur from NARS and using a real techniques duo fibre brush (the white ones that are flat) and lightly dusty Rose Gold over top.
Hmm I never thought of doing something like that oddly enough. I've done matte over matte, matte over cream, or a sheen over matte, but never anything with noticeable shimmer except on the cheekbone. I'll have to try this thanks for the tip!


Well-known member
Finally ordered Rose Gold! I hate paying full price, but no one else has it in stock. Come to momma! :drools:
I wanted to wait until the next sale, but seeing how this one always sells out, I decided to get it.
Has anyone tried Champagne Gold? The photo looks interesting and the color is different than most highlighters out.
For some reason I wasn't able to find satisfactory reviews/swatches when I did a quick Google search- so in absence of that, I ordered it anyway.
Has anyone tried Champagne Gold? The photo looks interesting and the color is different than most highlighters out.
Yes. Lots of people have already posted swatches of it too.
I'll take another look.


Well-known member
Left to right Moonstone Opal Champagne gold The balm Mary loumainzer Nars albatross on the top above them all