Becoming a movie extra?


Well-known member
So, I was looking at the penny saver and I ran into an ad about being a movie extra (pays $150-300/day). This intruiges me completely. It says you adn be any age/shape/etc.

Has anyone here ever been a movie extra? What's it like? Are there any requirements? How do you know where to go? etc.

Help! I'm calling tomorrow and I want to know about this haha. I need to know all this info before I know what I'm getting into!



Well-known member
I was an extra about 4 years ago. While it pays well, it sucks. It's very very long days with a lot of shitty around, doing nothing. And when they're ready for you they are run and pushy (i was actually physically pushed by a cre person). There is so much money put into films that they just have time for manners of any nature.
Mind you, the sets are also catered, and the food was great.
As for where to go, they will tell you. The set for the film i was in was at my school (they film there alot). Any requirements would probably be film specific. They might ask you to bring a few outfits that fit a stereotype and minimal makeup.
good luck and have fun


Well-known member
If you don't mind standing around and doing nothing all day it is a great way to make extra cash. Like Mabelle said, the crew is rude and they give you very little direction, but you don't really need any to do the job. The last extra job I had I worked for 3 days and made $700 so it was well worth being bored and having people be rude to me. + they had great food catered to the set.

I would definetly do it, just don't expect anything out if it other than a nice easy paycheck.



Well-known member
Well.. for the pushy part.. I don't really mind that as long as its good pay (that would mean I finally get to pay for my driving classes!). I could probably take a book with me, or do home work or something during that time (I'm 16).

So they feed the movie extras too? Around how many hours a day (average-ish) would you be there?


Well-known member
I was there for about 12 hours each day. It was during the summer, and it was very very hot. It was exhausting even though i did close to nothing.

Yes, they provide food for everyone. Its really really good too. And theres lots of it! They also provide a veggie option.
If youre a minor they might make your parents sign a consent paper, but other than that i dont think theyll ask much of you...


Well-known member
Hmm.. sounds pretty good! Do they contact you about places to go or do you have to make phone calls and what not. I live in the LA area so there's probably loads of shows/movies that need extras hehe.


Well-known member
Keep in mind that sometimes you are working 12+ hour days, the last movie I worked the extras were there until 4 AM, and they started at 9 AM!


Well-known member
Oh my..


Well-known member
See, i dont know how it works in the US, but in Canada they had two pay rates, one for members of ACRA (unionized actors) and one for the amatures (me) Unionized actors got payed over 30$ an hour, but could only work a small amount of hours. The rest of us worked until they sent us home.

I applied directly to a casting agency for a specific film (being done at my school) so they just basically called me back and told me when to show up!


Well-known member
Ohhh. Yeah over here there's non-union actors and union actors (members of SAG). I looked up the phone number of the place I was going to call originally, thank goodness I didn't call! It was a place that scammed people's money! Steer clear of!

Anywho, I found a legit place around here called kids background talent. I'm going to go register next month and see how that goes.
I need to have an adult with me the whole time while I'm on set though. I guess in the end its worth it for the pay! Plus, I'm home schooled (not exactly, I take my classes online) so my schedule is extremely flexible.

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