Before I give up on these colors...


Active member
Ok, so a few months ago I randomly picked up Tilt and Leisuretime, both great colors...but now that I am getting more into actually USING them, I think they might not be great for my coloring (brown hair, brown eyes, medium/olive skin). Do you think these colors could work for me, or should I just sell/swap them? Thanks guys!


Well-known member
I think it helps to use a great base and such to bring them out...I think those should/could work for you....

I prefer using Tilt with Contrast on people...for a deeper, more outstanding bluish look. Maybe add a new hint of color with it as a great green...Swimming maybe?

mmmmm how about a silvery base like Pixel paint with it?


Active member
Thanks for the advice! Contrast and Swimming both look like things I would have liked to buy anyway. I will definately check them out this Thurs when I go on my holiday palette binge


Well-known member
oh god, woman, don't start me on the holiday binge!!! LOL

yeah, play with some colors while at the counter, maybe ask for a MA to put a look together for you....I'm sure they'd help!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I have the same coloring: olive skin, dark brown hair & eyes and although I don't have Leisuretime, I did have Tilt. It was a gift from my bf and I tried so hard to use it and like it, but alas, I did not. It was just too spacey/light/frosty just blah for me. I felt like a 13yr. old when I wore it! I hope you have better luck with it, if not, you can def. sell it here!!