Being too emotional?


Well-known member
I only get to hang out with my bf 2-3 days out of the week and we've been together for a year. I really do love him and wish that we could hang out together more often... we only live like 15 minutes away. But I feel like he thinks for himself...I always go to his family outings, birthdays, baptism, parties, get togethers, and so on. I always make an effort to drive and go spend time with his family and all. We dont do that with my family like go do family stuff...we used to but my parents have been going through some issues and we dont get to do a lot of things together anymore...But when I do ask him to come over to my house he only stays for a day and wants to leave the next day and says he has stuff to do. I would say "like what kind of stuff?" and he would be like "Just stuff".

Then today...he was going to come over to my house to just hang around with me and my brother. He knew I was babysitting tonight but it seemed like he didnt mind. So...I went out in the cold with him so he can play soccer with some poeple. We were going to do something together, like have lunch and hang around his house before we were gonna go to mine until he heard that his cousins were going out tonight and all of a sudden he was like "Okay lets drop you off at home now". Im like what? So he drove to his house so I can get my things and then he dropped me off. He was all like "dont you have to babysit?" Im like yeah but not until later in the evening! like geesh I felt like he wanted to get rid of me. He called me like an hour ago and I told him how I felt and we were arguing. So now he's all like, "okay fine im coming in a couple hours then". And now that he has said that hes making me feel bad.

I just feel like Im just there whenever he wants me to be there. But when I want him to be around its like Im asking too much and that he makes me feel like Im being a baby. This just didnt happen once it has happened several times. Like when I want to go out to the movies with him or go downtown hes all like "nehhh". Then when he finds out that his cousins or friends are doing something he wants to go. So its kind of like whenever he wants to do something I do it with him and whenever I want to do something he doesnt want to do it. And when I tell him "oh i dont feel like going out tonight" he makes me feel bad saying things like I dont want to have fun and go out with his family and friends.

I dont know whats wrong with me...I feel like I might be taking things too seriously...analyze it and think bad things about my relationship....because he tells me that he does like spending time with me. But whenever I tell him how I feel he thinks Im taking things way too seriously or that Im being too emotional. AM I being too emotional about this situation?


Well-known member
Ofcourse you are not being too emotional!
There is nothing wrong with the way you feel! He should be able to go out of his way to spend time with you and do what you want to do if he really loves you. From your side of the story sounds to me that your b.f might be a bit selfish. Its up to you to decide if thats something you can deal with but the fact that you are willing to share your problems with total strangers shows that it is not a problem that you can deal with. My verdict is that he is probably not into you anymore and is giving you signs and signals maybe its time you look elsewhere because you deserve to be with someone who would jump at any chance to spend time with you. Relationships although they have their ups and downs are supposed to make you happy so you need to ask yourself if you are genuinely happy in the relationship at the moment if not..................


Active member
Don't we all go through something like this at one time or another in our relationships? It's not that he doesn't want to see you. It's that guys want/ need their alone time and when they do, it's hard for us to accept that. By him dropping you off all of a sudden, it was his way of gently saying "I need my space" cuz you know, guys, esp. boyfriends, don't want us to get offended. If this is happening a lot, you guys should talk about it. As much as I love spending time with my BF, I do realize that we both have things to do, so if he has to do something on his own, that's perfectly fine. You aren't being too emotional. It's a girl thing as cliche as that sounds.

Don't worry, I know you'll be able to work through this
Just be positive and aware of both you and your guy's feelings about this.


Well-known member
Thanks girls...I just talked to him about it. He says he didnt mean to make it out like he doesnt want me around. But I will try to understand that he is trying to spend time with me and his friends. Its just the way he does and says things that makes me feel like Im not wanted, and he doesnt see that until I mention it. I guess guys can be clueless at times...