Ben Nye Translucent Powders


Well-known member
SO I see that these powders come in many colors like white,neutral set, chestnut and ebony.
I'm a bit curious as to these colors...well Im not interested in white since I figured that was for clown makeup. But for neutral set that is a general translucent powder, right? Would this be similar to using the prep & prime powder for mac or the hd mufe powder? If those can be used for any skin tone then why the need for the chestnut and ebony? If i wanted to add this to my makeup kit would just neutral set do? OR should i get all 3? I want to cover from the lightest to darkest.


Well-known member
i have white, neutral and chestnut.
i only use white for my special effects kit, it does add a powdery finish so i wouldnt recommend it for regular/normal use
neutral works on all skintones but i like using chestnut for darker skin because it adds more warmth (it doesnt add too much color). using neutral on darker skin can look a little ashy and drab, i feel.


Well-known member
I use neutral set but buff with a kabuki and haven't had the ash effect. With the pure silica, I looked dead.

On an aside: Mistella, do u have a tut on your contouring? Your cheekbones look gorgeous!