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Berries and Leopards -Nails


New member
Leopard print nails with a Jewled Berry french tip.
I used drug store brands for this as I know not everyone can afford MAC polishes, plus I didn't want to mess up any of my MACs if it didnt work.
I used fake nails to do this, my nails tend to break, split, chip and generally suck. So I find it easier to do anything fancy with fakes. Nail polishes I used
  • L'Oreal Jet Set Shine in Las Vegas, a pearl polish in a light beige shade
  • Maybelline Wet Shine Diamonds in Jewel's 'N' Berries, a magenta/fuchia shade with silver sparkles
  • Sally Hansen New Lengths Ceramics in Raven, jet black shade
  • Ethnique Cosmetics 405, Gold shade

I placed a small strip of tape across the tip to do my french tip later, then put the beige shade all over the nail, two coats. The tape on the tip protects it from getting the beiga shade, so the fushia can go on easier and in a straight line

Then using a fine brush [like MAC 210], apply the black shade in semi circles or full circles using dotting methods, make sure the dots are conntected and overlap to create a messy look. Make it messy but not overly so, they should look like the black of leopard spots. Like so

Rinse your fine brush in nail polish remover to remove the black. Dry, then dip it into the gold polish. The gold polish should be dotted in the middle of the black outlines.

Then remove the strip of tape and place the fushia [or whatever colour you wish] along the blank line. The dried beige polish shouldve left a small ridge, just paint from the ridge down, the ridge should prevent you from painting over the leopard print.
And tadaa, the finished product.



