Best Beauty Powder/Blush for fair skinned?


Well-known member
I just depotted my Alpha Girl BP because I didn't like the color and now I'm looking for something else to stick in the Heatherette compact! Any suggestions? I'm usually pretty pale, too light for the 15's at MAC, but I do like more pigmented/rich colors for blushes (pressed powders or bronzers) and contouring. So, if anyone has any suggestions for any beauty powders or blushes that will fit in there and that I might like I would love to hear 'em. Pictures would be fabulous too.

Thank you ladies!


Well-known member
I'm not sure if they fit into the BP compact, but I love the new Beauty Powder Blushes! I'm fair too (though I don't think I'm quite as fair as you), and they're lovely. I love Sweetness and Joyous for a pop of color.


Well-known member
I thought it would be CRAZY until I tried it, but Dollymix applied with a light hand and a 187 is my favorite when my skin is fair (and when it's tan, too).