Best combination for smoky brown eyes?


Hi All!

I´m new on this forum, but i love it!

I come from germany and can´t stop thinking of MAC Cosmetics.
Sooooo o would like to buy a few eyeshadows.
And the hardest question is: What coulours should i took?
In the end i would like to have a natural brown smokey eye - look.
I have brown eyes and a mittle toned skin.

Thank you very much.

The german Girl,


Well-known member
I adore Bronze, I think it can be used so many ways and is a definite staple e/s to have for many looks, including smokey browns. Ricepaper or Shroom would be beautiful highlights.


Well-known member
If you're new to e/s, try pigments, they are easu to apply and doesn't really required layering or any brushes.
Chocolate brown will be a nice choice, tan is a bit lighter but still good.


Well-known member
I am an NC25 and I love Mulch on my lid, brun smudged into my last line, cork diffusing the crease with nylon as my highlight.


Well-known member
I love using Twinks for a smoky brown eye...I'm wearing it today with some Sweet Sienna pigment mixed in, and it works well, in my opinion
Also, you can't go wrong with Satin Taupe.


Well-known member
For browns I like Mulch, Antiqued, and Sable. Usually I smudge Carbon into the corners for an extra smokey effect.