best powder foundation


Well-known member
hey ladies! usually im wearin a liquid foundation/tinted moisturizer, but now that school starts again i'd like to have a good powder foundation to put on real quick in the morning. i was thinkin bout studio fix powder or clinique almost powder foundation. is studio fix powder something for everyday? or would u suggest smthn else. i have combination skin.. not extremly sensitive, but some kinda =)


Well-known member
I have recently purchased Studio fix powder to use when i'm on the run. I really like it, it gives a natural coverage.


Well-known member
if you are prone to breakouts I would not endorse Studio Fix every day...although it is AWESOME --- really flawless looking on.

I used a Clinique powder for a while...not even sure what its called because it was a hand me down from my aunt---I wasnt blown away, but it did its job.

Maybe something from Prescriptives for everyday use.


Well-known member
I think you'd like MAC's Select Sheer loose powder. It never breaks me out and it's light but covers nicely.


Well-known member
MAC SF is good, but not great, Neutrogena mineral powders are good too .. My fav is Dior Extreme (pricey tho).. that one really turns my skin into porcelain!


Well-known member
I love my Studio Fix powder, I wear it over my Studio Sculpt foundation. If you want less coverage though I would suggest the MSFNs.


Well-known member
Depending on your skintone and your budget, I'd actually say go for a japanese powder foundation. They're lightyears ahead of us as far as oil control/staying power/lightness/coverage (you can get ALL of them in ONE product that doesn't break you out!)

That said, if you're darker than, say, an NC40 you won't find much that fits your skintone
But if you are lighter, Kanebo's Kate is a good place to start. You can find that brand at Their color chart is something like:
OC-B = NC 15 - 20
OC-C = NC 25 - 30
OC-D = NC 35 - 40 (lighter side of 40)
OC-G = NC 42-45ish I think, but I'm not sure.
Beige-C = NW 25-30
Bright up = Lighter than NC-15

If you are a darker girl, I'd actually suggest MUFE's duo mat powder foundation. It's got good staying power, good coverage, and matches quite a few skintones.

Keep in mind that both of these options are a bit more expensive than MAC, but I think as far as foundation is concerned, you get what you pay for.


Well-known member
Mac's Mineralized skin finish in natural. I've been using this all summer long with fix makes my skin look flawless.


Well-known member
I've used Studio Fix powder for a while... I like it, but I find it can oxidize a bit strangely if you're oily. As my skin improves, I'm trying to do what I can to wear less foundation, so I like MSFs with a bit of concealer.

Studio Fix powder has been known to break some people out. I have not had that problem, but if you're sensitive to MAC foundations, you might wish to avoid it.