Bi polar


Well-known member
I always knew I had an anger problem.

But now I think I am actually bi polar. It went from me getting angry at dumb things to me getting horrible moodswings.
I think it is getting worse. I thought it could also be my hormones just going crazy from just having a baby (7 months ago)
But I haven't been having crazy moodswings until just recently.

Anywho. I was wondering if anyone was diagnosed with this and what you take and what it actually does to you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by triccc
I always knew I had an anger problem.

But now I think I am actually bi polar. It went from me getting angry at dumb things to me getting horrible moodswings.
I think it is getting worse. I thought it could also be my hormones just going crazy from just having a baby (7 months ago)
But I haven't been having crazy moodswings until just recently.

Anywho. I was wondering if anyone was diagnosed with this and what you take and what it actually does to you.

Were you actually diagnosed with bipolar by an MD? What you are going through sounds a lot like Post Partum Depression. It's only been 7 months since you had your baby, so it is very possible that you are still being affected by it. I highly suggest you see your doctor as soon as possible and rule bipolar out...good luck...


Well-known member
Post partum depression can actually still be diagnosed up to two years after having the baby, I personally feel that all depression whatever you peg it as is worth catching as soon as possible, have a chat with a health professional and they can help you with some sort of programme, I went through councelling followed by ADs which I am now coming off, I may still have BP disorder, it certainly has a presence in my family, but find a holistic 'this is how I feel now' approach is the best, take care, A x


Well-known member
I agree with the above ppl as it sounds like more of a post partum mood disorder than actual bipolar. It actually doesn't sound a lot like Bipolar disorder at all...unless you are having like periods of time (long periods days or weeks) were you are irritable/anxious/restless followed by either a depressive period or a relatively normal period of time..

Best to talk to a doc though...


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm with everyone else in that it sounds more like post-partum....Bipolar isn't just mood swings, it is largely characterized by manic episodes (extreme highs, often doing crazy things w/o consideration for consequences) as well as the depression.

I would say definitely go see a doctor though. He/she will be able to properly diagnose and treat you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Yeah, I'm with everyone else in that it sounds more like post-partum....Bipolar isn't just mood swings, it is largely characterized by manic episodes (extreme highs, often doing crazy things w/o consideration for consequences) as well as the depression.

I would say definitely go see a doctor though. He/she will be able to properly diagnose and treat you.

Interestingly enough you can be diagnosed as bipolar even if you have never been depressed in your is the high periods that are the most important in diagnosis...

damn my psychology mind


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
Interestingly enough you can be diagnosed as bipolar even if you have never been depressed in your is the high periods that are the most important in diagnosis...

damn my psychology mind

I thought there was a separate term for that?

That's just how it was explained to me when I was first diagnosed....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
I thought there was a separate term for that?

That's just how it was explained to me when I was first diagnosed....

well in class that's what my professor

It may have a separate term, but the actual diagnosis is the same...kinda like with schizophrenia there are lots of subtypes but really only 2 main types and then 2 main courses of treatments dependent on the type...

mood stabilizing drugs are beneficial for bipolar disorder even if you only really experience the one side of the mood (the manic side)


Well-known member
Hmm, do the mood swings last for like a really long time for either extreme? Does the good mood last like, weeks, as does the depression/anger? If not, I don't think you'd be bipolar.

Borderline Personality Disorder is similar to Bipolar, except the mood swings aren't as long. Meaning, your mood can change between good to bad in the same day. That's how it is for me, but I haven't been to a doc about it.

Either way, BPD sounds kinda likely, from what I've been reading about the differences between those disorders. You should definitely see a psychologist about it, and if they think it sounds like BPD or something, they'll refer you to a psychiatrist for medication.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
Hmm, do the mood swings last for like a really long time for either extreme? Does the good mood last like, weeks, as does the depression/anger? If not, I don't think you'd be bipolar.

Borderline Personality Disorder is similar to Bipolar, except the mood swings aren't as long. Meaning, your mood can change between good to bad in the same day. That's how it is for me, but I haven't been to a doc about it.

Either way, BPD sounds kinda likely, from what I've been reading about the differences between those disorders. You should definitely see a psychologist about it, and if they think it sounds like BPD or something, they'll refer you to a psychiatrist for medication.

just keep in mind that moodswings are BPDs only symptom...sometimes ppl are just moodswingy

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
my aunt suffers from Bi-Polar, it's a horrible thing to have

she's usually fine but soon as someone says or do something out of line (even accidential), she flips, she'll go around the house destroying mirrors and breakables, she'll rant and rave at her husband (my uncle) and if she gets the chance she'll attack the dog (he's irritating but he's only a pup). Her sons are terrified of her when she has her episodes of rage. She even goes out on drinking binges which involves the pubs ringing up her husband to take her home, and she disappears for days on end.

She's in denial of being Bi-Polar but the doctors and therapists had said that she is one, and also when people become bi-polar, they become extremely violent, unreasonable and religious. Famous singer Sinead O'Connor suffers from it too.

It's not my aunt's fault but its scary when she turns but me and a lot of other relatives and friends are all begging my uncle to get her sectioned, he wants to do that too but is worried that if her dad dies when she's sectioned, she'll hold it agaisnt him for the rest of their lives :|

My only advice is discuss with your doctor on what medication to take, they'll prescribe you with the suitable medication