Birthday haul!!!!


Well-known member

so I saw the delivery guy just as I was leaving for work this morning (how often does the timing of that ever work out?!) and he brought me a Sephora box! inside was a "Justine Case" by Benefit from my best friend Bekkie!

It has BeneTint, EyeCon, Some Kind-a Gorgeous, and California Kissin' in a really portable, adoooorable case with a mirror in it! It's so cute and totally purse or pocket sized! There were some deluxe samples with the box too, like a Dior lipgloss in Sorbet, and lots of perfumes to try. This is so much fun and so perfect because I am just getting back in to playing with make up again.

And my husband sent me a gift certificate for a hot stone massage!, since he can't be here to celebrate with me this year.

It's a really awesome birthday so far!