bittersweet haul


Well-known member
so today I decided to go to the cco after work and see what they had. I wound up spending more than I thought I would ugh.
I got prim and proper blush, a hello kitty makeup bag, 165 brush and mac lightful moisture cream. My boyfriend told me I was pathetic for spending that much money on that kind of stuff, which made me feel terrible and now I cant fully enjoy my goodies ugh men.... makeup is really the only thing I ever splurge on.


Well-known member
Don't let anyone make you feel bad for spending your own money on what you love! We all have our interests.. It sounds like a really nice haul!


Aww!! Don't let him ruin your RIGHT to enjoy your new goodies that YOU paid for with YOUR own money that you worked hard for! If makeup (or whatever you spend your $$ on) makes you happy, that's what matters. As I say, I don't drink, smoke, do any drugs, so I gotta have an obsession with something. LOL Don't worry about Grumpy over there. ENJOY your new makeup!! You deserve it, damn it!


Well-known member
Well, your BF just doesn't get it, so don't let him rain on your parade. Actually, what you bought is fun and yet very practical. Brushes, bag and cream. And it isn't his money, so phooey on him! Enjoy your new goodies thoroughly! None of us HAVE to wear makeup. It isn't a life or death thing. We wear it because it makes us happy and we have fun! Not all guys are going to get it!



Well-known member
My bf has a love/hate for my cosmetic purchases as well. Does he splurge on something? Tell him how pathetic he is for spending that much and see if he gets hurt. Tell him "Just kidding, only jerks would say things like that about other people's hobbies." It's not the best thing to do, but it is a way to get people to understand a little more...

Enjoy your goodies. You have tons of people here on Specktra that support you!


Well-known member
Don't worry honey. Just make a mental note next time he splurges on whatever it is that he likes. When he complains about what you blowing money, remind him of his unncessary purchases. That get's them every time.