blacktrack fluidline too sheer?


Well-known member
My blacktrack fluidline seems to be more and more sheer as time passes. Anyone else had the same experience? I cannot get a decent line with it any more and it's very very soft.


Well-known member
The only time blacktrack applies sheer for me is when i don't apply enough on my brush... otherwise it's pretty consistent.


Well-known member
I've never had this problem. maybe you should apply more of it on your brush.


Well-known member
I'll try it thanks. I stopped using it for a while and now it seems different even if I am using it the same way as before!


Well-known member
Hmm maybe it has dried out then? Just make sure that you close the lid tightly and if living in a hot area place the container upside down.

Also try applying it in layers till you get the consistency that you like.

Hope this helps.


Well-known member
Try applying the fluidline like you regularly would do. Then apply with the same brush a "coat" on top in a dabbing motion. I've found it I try to draw a line and reapply more the same way it ends up removing a bit of the liner, making it look sheer. Hope this makes some sense lol.


Well-known member
I haven't had trouble with my blacktrack fluidline, but rather with the macroviolet one - it doesn't show up very well at all! In fact (and I really hate to say this) I've resorted to using my Wet n Wild purple liquid eyeliner - it works much better, surprisingly.


I feel like any of the fluidlines I use pick up the pigment from the shadow and dull the color of the liner. I usually have to put on at least two coats of any fluidliner. the second coat over the dry first one does the trick.