Blanc Type vs. Brule Eyeshadow Question++

Stage Kitten

Well-known member
If I have Blanc Type, should I get Brule? I am NC30 and while I like Blanc Type on the lid with some darker color in the crease, I think it would be too stark as a brow highlight. Brule seems similar but closer to my skin tone. I bought Blanc Type mostly b/c I love the Matte2 texture...but now I am thinking of going back for Brule. Should I just exchange Blanc Type for Brule?


Well-known member
I have and love both..Blanc Type works for me as a highlight but I do prefer Brule for that. Brule is one I skipped over for a long time, but I have to say that I use it almost everyday. I'm NC35 for ref

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
well, I don't have Brule, but I'm about your skintone (NW25/30) and Blanc Type works for me as highlight. In fact I use it as highlight pretty much everyday. From what I remember Brule is a tiny bit darker but didn't look too different from Blanc Type when I swatched them on my arm.

Here's a swatch I found in the swatch thread (reply #544). She's much darker but it should still give you an idea


Well-known member
You should try it out in person, b/c they look really different on me. Blanc Type is more white-ish and Brule looks more like my skin tone


Well-known member
I use blanc type as a highlighter. I use brule as a mid-tone eyeshadow, for instance if there is any areas on my eye that dont have eyeshadow, i put a little brule over it just so i can cover any eye primer, or if i have a harsh line i use brule to lighten it. I suppose it could work as a very nude lid color


Well-known member
I have both too. I would say Brule is a little darker, like flesh colour. It's worth having both.