Blonde? Change?


Well-known member
Helloooo specktra! I've been trying to think of a change that I will like regarding my hair. I've never really done much to it, I had highlights once, then I died it semipermanately about 1 shade darker than my normal hair, and eventually those both somehow wore out. I'm ready for a change again! I really love my hair colour, but I always wonder how I would like to be a blonde. My main concerns are whether it would look good or not, and also the damage it would do to my already very damaged hair! It would be a gradual change of course, I'd probably just go in an get highlights until my hair was blonde. Haha. If anybody could offer up some advice I'd loooove it. Here are the hairsss that I've had...hahaha..
PS. my hair is naturally curly/wavyish.
Hahahah sorry this is the goofiest picture collage, I hope it helps with your advice though!


Well-known member
I looooovee your hair the color it is!!! Brown is so pretty and much more unique IMO! Wait til it gets healthier to be safe!