Blowing up MAC postcards?


Well-known member
Has anyone ever taken a MAC postcard to a place like Kinkos to have it blown up into like an 8x10 size (or something close to that)? How do they turn out? I want to blow up six of my favorite postcards and frame them and put them on my wall.



Well-known member
Ok, when I first read your title, I was thinking blow up, as in explosion. LOL! I was thinking, "Why would she want to do that?" Man, I am such a knob!

But back to the matter at hand. I don't know if Kinkos would do that. They get heartburn about duplicating a company's media, as they don't want to break any copyright/media laws.

I guess you could try though.


Well-known member
If it's not to large a blow up, it might be okay. Depends on the pixel density on the cards in the first place. Otherwise, it will look like a very blurry image. Couldn't you try to do the same thing with a scanner on your computer first? It would certainly be less expensive as I believe that's all that Kinko's would be doing.


Well-known member
I would do it on my computer but I don't have a scanner, nor do I have any idea how to use a scanner. I was wondering if Kinkos (or a place like that) would do it or not since it's company media.


Well-known member
Yup I did it, not exactly with postcards but with high resolution pics that I found in the internet! I just put them on my memory stick and brought it to a photo service!


Ignore the mess I'm renovating my room next week so there's no need to clean up!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeup_junkie
VV thanks so much! Can I ask, where did you find the high resolution pics of those postcards?

I'd love to know as well!

Please and thank you!


Well-known member
I work at a photo lab and I do a lot of scanning and blowing up images for customers. You could definitely get those cards scanned and printed as 8x10s and they'd look great. You could even go as large as 11x14 and they would still be good. But make sure you go to a photo lab that does quality work-- you need a good quality scan and something done on one of those Kodak Picturemaker machines at Walmart is NOT going to be high quality.

I've been thinking about doing this with some of my cards but haven't gotten around to it yet (I'll be honest, I'm also afraid my co-workers will make fun of me-- they already tease me about the crazy eyeshadow colors I wear-- they have no idea what a MAC-freak I really am!)


Well-known member
I'm thinking about doing this with some of the ones I know are very hard to find.
I've got a photo lab near me that does awesome glossy prints. But I'd keep them the same size as the others so the frames are all consistant.