
Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
I have the hardest time picking out blush for my skin tone. Right now I use Blushbaby and I love it but I am looking for something new. I have very fair skin so I have to be careful. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!


Well-known member
do you know what your ## is in MAC foundations? that might be helpful for us to make some suggestions.

I'm NW20, and the only MAC blush I like is "buff", its really underrated and nobody talks about it, but I love it. Its the perfect muted rose color, it gives a really natural flush too. hope that helps some!


Active member
hi there!
Blushbaby is more of a natural soft color, and since spring is here, and summer is soon, I'd definately try more vibrant pinks and peaches, or if you like the glowy tanned look, use bronzers!
here are some suggestions:
Pinch O Peach
Fleur Power
Foolish Me


Active member
i am also very light (NW20) and i say that you NEED the 187 brush. it makes everything so wearable and natural. i'm in love with dollymix (yeah, it looks scary bright in the pan, but with the 187, my cool coloring and dark hair, it's really nice and natural), cubic (brownish pink, very natural) and the new pinkerpeach trust fund duo (swirled together, they make a gorgeous bronzy look)


Well-known member
I'm NW15, and although I haven't tried alot, if you're looking for a change, I love Sunbasque, Variety (with a very light hand), and Breath of Plum/Ring O'Roses.

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lolita
do you know what your ## is in MAC foundations? that might be helpful for us to make some suggestions.

I'm NW20, and the only MAC blush I like is "buff", its really underrated and nobody talks about it, but I love it. Its the perfect muted rose color, it gives a really natural flush too. hope that helps some!

I don't use MAC foundation I use Clinique's but I do use MAC studio finish concealer and the # is NW20 as well. It is almost a perfect match to my clinique foundation.

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
I am going to check out all of your suggestions. My problem is I look at what the color looks like in the pan and freak because if it looks that bright in the pan it will look like a clown! I'm brave with my eye shadow and lip colors but when it comes to blush I don't have a clue! I do use bronzer a lot its the one thing I could not live without!


Well-known member
I'm terrified of blush too though I own a bunch now. My cheeks are naturally rosy and I hate looking like I have a ton of blush on *shudder*

Some recs: Peachy Keen (this is sheer & really workable, never makes me look like I'm embarrassed or went blush crazy), Porcelain Pink Skinfinish, Sunbasque for a bit of the sun kissed look, Tenderling & Buff both make lovely nude blushes, they give a bit of contour and colour without making the cheeks any brighter. HTH!


Well-known member
I am like ghost pale (my hubby's description, not mine) and I am an NC20 too. I pretty much use Dame on a regular basis. I love it because I can make it sheer or layer it if I want. I also love (not Mac here sorry) Benefit dandelion. It is a really nice sheer pink and makes my ghost skin look somewhat healthy. I also just bought tigerlily/bloomsberry combo and it gives me a really nice glow. I think the suggestion about the right brush is really smart advice too. A proper brush makes all the difference in the world because they pick up pigments evenly. Hope that helps. You can check out my ghost skin in my gallery, but I'm warning's spooky.


Well-known member
I like Pinch O'Peach (though it's not too peachy - more a sheer pinky) and Cubic a lot - I'm pretty pale and neither one of those looks too dark or bright. For non-MAC, Benefit Dandelion is a great color - shimmery and just a hint of color. Good luck!


Well-known member
I'm an NC 15/20 depending on the season and my favs include:
pinch o'peach
celebrity pink
Also, NARS angelika is another fav

For bronzer (if you're interested) I LOVE Trace Gold


Well-known member
I'm very pale, lighter than NC15.

I use cute on almost a daily basis. Otherwise I like to use Tenderling, and Strada.


Well-known member
I have no idea what my appropriate MAC fdn is but I use Stephane Marais' concealor #2, and have been matched to Becca Banana or Butterscotch stick fdn, and I love the cheekhue Dada Delight. I hate powder blushes though.

I also love Passport's nomad stick in JFK, pink which is just a bit lighter and more translucent than DD.

The only 2 powder blushes I have are NARS Crazed & Exhibit A. All three I've mentioned, when I've worn them, everyone compliments me heaps, so it must be passable.