Boyfriend said he liked my "face shadow" today.


Well-known member

I looked at him like "what?" and he pointed to my eyelids. Boys are cute


Well-known member
My bf is much less cute. Whenever he kisses my face and I happen to be wearing foundation or blush, he goes 'Gross, dead whale!' And then I try to explain that they don't make makeup/perfumes out of whales anymore. Which he knows full well. *shakes head*


Well-known member
Hahahah that's so funny and cute

Originally Posted by NutMeg
My bf is much less cute. Whenever he kisses my face and I happen to be wearing foundation or blush, he goes 'Gross, dead whale!' And then I try to explain that they don't make makeup/perfumes out of whales anymore. Which he knows full well. *shakes head*

What a terrible thing to say


Well-known member
Awww sweet!

I asked mine how was my makeup yesterday before we went to a party. He replied, 'I don't know baby. I'm not a woman. I don't know what's nice and what's not. Go on the webcam with your sister. She can tell you.' (it was not the right time to ask cuz his eyes were glued to his laptop).

'Err.. It's 3am in Melbourne...' *rolls eyes*
BF: Ok ok... it looks very nice...


Well-known member
OMG your bf sounds so cute ^_^

and ROFL @ kittykat!

My husband doesnt like me wearing makeup, he thinks studio fix fluid smells bad when ever he kisses my cheek


Well-known member
it's so cute when guys like to get interested...when we got home the day i bought my shu eyelash curler i set down at my m/u table to put stuff away and like 5 minutes later he comes over and gets in my face
him-"ooh, which eye did you use it on baby?"
me-"i haven't tried it yet"
him-"oh, ok *sad face*"

it was one of the single most adorable things ever...maybe you had to be there

he actually called my legwarmers a leotard once


Well-known member
too cute!

My BF told me when I was looking for primer...."baby, I don't get it...primer, foundation, concealer...are you a car or a lady"....I just smiled and patted his cheek. silly rabbit, lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pretebrowneyes
too cute!

My BF told me when I was looking for primer...."baby, I don't get it...primer, foundation, concealer...are you a car or a lady"....I just smiled and patted his cheek. silly rabbit, lol

i'm going to be smiling at that for like the next 2 days...cute and clever
(those are the best kind!)


Well-known member
Every time I wear MAC "eye poppin'" or "coppering" my BF says that it looks like "weed killer" but he was a big fan of the MUFE HD foundation!

He's ok with my MU obsession and plays along to the best of his ability

Silly boys!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ragdolly
it's so cute when guys like to get interested...when we got home the day i bought my shu eyelash curler i set down at my m/u table to put stuff away and like 5 minutes later he comes over and gets in my face
him-"ooh, which eye did you use it on baby?"
me-"i haven't tried it yet"
him-"oh, ok *sad face*"

lol so cute!!

my bf let me put mu on him the other day cuz i wanted to try to hide his 5 o'clock shadow like my mu teacher mentioned she had done on a film set once ... at first he was all apprehensive but after i was done he kept checking it out in the mirror going "wow it looks like i just shaved that patch!!" ... he didn't wash it off till bedtime!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ragdolly
it's so cute when guys like to get interested...when we got home the day i bought my shu eyelash curler i set down at my m/u table to put stuff away and like 5 minutes later he comes over and gets in my face
him-"ooh, which eye did you use it on baby?"
me-"i haven't tried it yet"
him-"oh, ok *sad face*"

it was one of the single most adorable things ever...maybe you had to be there

he actually called my legwarmers a leotard once

Tiinia! I never thought I'd see you again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
My bf is much less cute. Whenever he kisses my face and I happen to be wearing foundation or blush, he goes 'Gross, dead whale!' And then I try to explain that they don't make makeup/perfumes out of whales anymore. Which he knows full well. *shakes head*

haha if mine kisses my face when wearing foundation , he says "EW! you taste like soap"


Well-known member
i went with my boyfriend to find a traincase at walmart one time and he pulled a worker aside and said excuse me, do you know where your trains are?

she looked at him like he was crazy

i was like hey baby, how about you ask them where their MAKE UP CASES are next time :p

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