Boys and there toys


Well-known member
Don't you just love it when your boyfriend get a new dangerous hobby!



Well-known member
Yea mine has wanted a motorcycle for awhile now and his mom and I have told him NO a million times. My niece overheard me talking about motorcycles and she was trying to say motorcycle but she said "murdercycle". So now I tell him he's not allowed to have a "murdercycle"


Well-known member
Yeah they are funny...not only is he into the whole gun thing right now... he came home with a 4 wheeler last night.


Well-known member
My husband is a big gun fanatic as well...he takes me to the range to shoot, and I get so bored, that I'll shoot 1 clip (13 rounds) and then sit down and read a magazine...


Well-known member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks guys are crazy... I guess this is what I get for moving in with him and our house is in the woods...